UTG -The Mighty 318

Ok, so fill me in. How did UT screw over lamb chop? Also, evidently the guy has never heard of startling line ratio. A close ratio gear box isn’t always a good thing.
Tony aka "White Punk on Nitro" the FABO parts reseller, had LC try out his POS car at the track TnT and kept blaming LC for the car not getting out of the hole. He ragged him out, because the POS would not get out of it's own way. At best that car should be in a bracket II on a Sat night, but it would die soon. UT killed the previous 2 engines and finally went through enough lifters at the OREillys till he found a bad one and blamed his poor bouilds and breakins on the lifter mfg. People get hypnotized by shows on TV. That helps them escape and believe some BS along the way as a fantasy really. If UT throws **** up against the wall and it sticks, and he gets to hang out and put out race 101 tips and how to cobble together mainly garbage more power to him ;).
