A tranny story (t56)

The remote shifter with the tr6060 is the challenge. However there is an adapter to use the mid shift location. (I did not know of this at time of tailhousing purchase)

I was going off this post and picture:


The OP of that build said it was a White Lightning shifter from American Powertrain. The pictures I've seen of the LS trans don't appear to have that mount, only the forward (mid shift?) one. Don't know if that shifter could be used on the forward location or not, but based on the build pictures later in that thread I would guess it wouldn't make for a clean install.

Between the driveshaft, flange adapter, shifter, input shaft and midplate, the additional cost comes out at more than $1500. If I could get an $1700 or $1800 Challenger TR6060, it would be a wash.

If you swap the tailhousing and mainshaft it is near the same cost of the "special driveshaft"

Good point.