Question on port matching

@Rat Bastid
RB, I wasn’t going to reply. (Running out of piss and vinegar.) I was asking you questions like I was a dumb *** know nothing about this topic person. Many people come here to read up and learn something. So your comment you made about “your not here to teach me.” Is a sorry full one since that now means others are included in your statement. Earlier you kind of made some insulting remarks. While I’m not personally offended, it was the reason I took the approach and it was a dip from you I didn’t expect.

You gave me (and the forum) a video. Here is mine in return that answers the question more than you did. The big problem here is you assumed and did so on a huge level.

First thing is when the OP asked the question, you assumed your answer was correct and it was, from a certain point of view. What was the OP’s point of view? What parts is the OP using? These and many more questions you don’t know the answer to but yet answered the question as if he was doing what you thought he was doing.

When I repeated the question of how much of an offset of mismatch there was, it was for a reason. Starting with what head and cylinder the OP intended on using. But you know what parts he has on hand to use right?

In the future, before you throw stones and get pissed off like a little girl and ask me to find where you made a statement that you think I said you wise or otherwise twist the words and meanings, take a breath and walk away to calm down.

You yelled at me that I should learn something first and not come back until I do. That is one awe inspiring show of arrogance of one’s high and mighty self. I have bad news for you, this and other forums are here to not only shoot the **** and brain storm between people that have been there and done that but also for others to learn something.

Please proceed to 1.31:00 of this video. And the. Again @ 1.48:00
After viewing, consider yourself schooled but someone a **** ton brighter than you, sent by a guy that new the answer.

So does this make Darin a Hypocrite?

It’s funny, I watched that webinar live. I also asked a question or two on that one.

The first example you wanted me to look at was the 351C. I suggest you go back and look at all my posts in this thread. First I will remind you we aren’t discussing the 351C or the BBC. The OP a was asking about SBM. Secondly, I said there are a few, very few scenarios where the intake can be mallet than the head. In fact, in one post I said back in the mid 90’s a guy in Arizona published an article about doing that very thing. In that case, yes it helped. attention here...had the guy used the PROPER SHAPED AND SIZED HEAD he would have made more power.

So the hypocrite is you. I answered a very specific question with a specific answer for that question. Then I suggested you watch some videos to learn. All you did (which is what the sub moronic dolt Hysteric does) was to pull one example of a time when the manifold could be smaller than the head and ran with it. It’s not even close to what the OP is working with.

Now I’m off to watch the second part of the video to see what else you’ve taken out of context.