2785312 1967 V8 Fan Shroud

You gonna sell the file afterwards? I am sure a few people would be interested including myself...
That's sort of the plan.

I would need to be sure it fits right and I would love to compare it side by side to a real one before taking money for my work.

I also will be looking into a local printing company and see how much it would cost to have some made. They have injection molding into 3D printed molds which makes the up front costs much less than steel tooling.

It will be a while before I'm there.

I'm also working on a few other parts for members here. After the files are proven out I would look into the same and make some.

My home printer can make a lot of the small parts but I don't know if the materials will last or withstand heat and humidity.

If anyone personally knows manufacturers of small runs I would be Intrested.