How many of you do woodworking / DYI stuff?



FABO Administrator
Staff member
Apr 24, 2005
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Chicago, Illinois
How many of you do woodworking / DYI stuff?

I'm wondering if I should make a seperate site for something like that....
I do enough to know I'm not worth two cents at it. Might be a good idea. I've seen a few members that venture into it.
I do, I do my fire wood myself, split and stack :lol:..I have made my own shelves before plywood prices went crazy.
A little by necessity.

One of my current projects is making a "garage" for a tabletop drill press out of an old upper kitchen cabinet, so I can keep it on my screen porch without it rusting.
How many of you do woodworking / DYI stuff?

I'm wondering if I should make a seperate site for something like that....
I do ,I was a home improvement contractor and now that I'm retired I do things for myself and my friends.Mostly I was a finish carpenter and also built custom kitchen cabinets .
What I'm wondering is if there is enough interest for me to make a new site based on this
I would say yea, especially if one of the prerequisites is for the experienced wood workers to do some good how tos.
Well its an expense and a lot of work -- I dont want to do it if there is little interest.
Are you only doing it to make money or do you have an actual interest in it? Let’s face it, anyone can put up a web site to sell ads but if your not into it, it really easy could flop. Joey, I rarely ever see you post on here and I have no idea if you are actually into cars. I believe wood working is not as easy to translate into digital text like cars are. I see it on all the trade websites I visit. Let’s face it- your “for bodies” web sites are genius but a anomaly as other car web sites are not this popular.
Here's where it's a very similar vein.... there are sure a lot of cool tools, and cool methods to accomplish things in the woodworking world (just like here).... I can sure see where some novices and some pros and some masters could share some knowledge of how-to and what-with. But I would bet it may be a slow start.... and how and where do you promote it?? Best of luck if you jump in.
How will you know if you don't try? What will you have lost that you cannot eventually recoup? You seem to have the midas touch with web sites, so I wouldn't sweat it.
I work in a custom cabinet shop mostly for new homes and could offer perspective from what I have learned over the years.
How many of you do woodworking / DYI stuff?

I'm wondering if I should make a seperate site for something like that....
I don't do much woodworking, but I always have some interest. Regarding DIY?? I don't know.. I do a lot of stuff myself, if you mean home repair and improvement type stuff. I think there's forums out there already for that and most traffic would be from folks stuck on some single project googling for answers on how to get their washer fixed. .

I'll throw this idea out there.... Why not do a "makers" type forum. Some woodworking, some stuff on 3D printing, some metalwork, welding, electronics (Arduino etc.), leatherwork and the whatever else. Myself, I've looked for a 3D printing forum and haven't found anything. Look at Yours for the making - Instructables for some inspiration.
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I dabble. Grandpa could make anything with basic hands tools. Dad had a wood working shop but since I was interested in cars, most of the equipment was sold. I could contribute by telling people not to do it the way I do cause it's probably wrong.
We know there's a ton on the net already. Not sure you'll see a huge continual turnout from mainly mechanics.
Even though I do enjoy most DYI, I myself tend to be a project here a project there.
As an example, my last DIY project, a mini bar for my mini basement, was from ideas found on a quick net search late last year. Now that I've got it, I haven't had time for another project since.
I mostly like to work on cars but I do woodworking as needed. I built a Maslow CNC router for machining parts out of 4x8 material. Problem is, there is a forum for the Maslow and my woodworking is real hit and miss.
How many of you do woodworking / DYI stuff?

I'm wondering if I should make a seperate site for something like that....


From a money making perspective, I am afraid you may be behind the curve on this idea. Lots of youtube channels and facebook groups already out there.

If it were me and I decided to move forward, I would focus on a niche that would translate to clicks from your current user base. Maybe shop and garage building and improvements, along with some tool review content. I think you would have a large participation among for ( ) body type clients with this setup.

Just my two cents as a fellow small business owner.