This Is A Heartbreaker....

I wish the best for this gentleman and his AAR. But when it comes to wearing bright yellow when working out on the roads, there is so much of this color out there now that it has become a neutral color. Everybody and their brother wears it and nobody pays attention to it any more. They should change the bright color up every few years to keep people on their toes. I know because I am retired from a highway dept. and nobody saw us out on the roads, people didn't even see our big red plow trucks coming down the road.
Dumb ***** don't see fire trucks stopped in the left lane for an accident on the other side of the concrete barriers that involved traffic going the other way. Some twinky pilled into the back of the fire truck at 100 to 110KPH, 62 to 70MPH and was killed. The family tried to sue the fire dept for parking on the wrong side of the road, a busy three lane freeway. Stoopid people are God's method of population control. Twinky was probably texting. Only way to explain not seeing a big red truck with lights flashing.