Stop in for a cup of coffee

Morning all and welcome to the weekend. Nothing much to report. Yesterday went for another session of Orange class. It's a one-hour exercise cardio class 20 minutes on the treadmill and then on the floor with weighted exercises. The goal is to reach the orange heart rate zone (80-90%) during the exercise and short pause bringing the heart rate down exercise to spike it back and forth. The instructor is an older gal a very motivated driven individual. So, with that then a 45-minute PT session and walking nine holes of golf it was a nice day. Going to focus on some yard work lots to do and just need to get it done.
Well I do ten minutes on ten minutes off ten minutes on dry fire exercise. To warm up. Then start moving quicker and quicker closing the gap while dry firing. No idea where heart rate gets tho. I gotta feeling it ain’t the same. I am to old and fat for all that exercise nonsense, it just makes me out of breath! Hah!