Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just 3 more day to go until my mri on my lower back (just above mt tail bone) where my arthritis dr has discovered my first 3 vertebrae are fused together by calcium and arthritis, she is thinking a nerve block of some kind, I am ready to try anything at this point, she has me on a cain, but I must say I don't use it, hide it mostly when I practice on it..
Tired of waking every morning needing to get relief for awhile in the jacuzzi.. tired of being tired!! Its been a long wait , so sorry to be posting this, but the up side is getting to see my two sons most every day.. and coming here now and then to see everyone has stayed busy and will enjoy this day (except Mitch, hope he can remember the good times he had had with his father and brother).

Leave y'all with this Green picture, and a happy thought for today, may we all feel blessed as I am that we are here today to share or fun times we have had and have in our plans for today..

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I feel about the same way. No cane yet. I have one, its just put away for now.