Stop in for a cup of coffee

-10, but that nasty wind quit.
Back on the instrument panel. I want to finish the hole in the dash so its similar to what it was before i trashed it. Try bead rolling a profile, or make a set of profile dies for the bead roller or the planishing hammer.
Kind of an unhappy day here for me. My father and brother were both born on the 17th of March. My father died in 1989 as most of you know. My brother died of suicide in 2008.:eek:
Mitch I'm sure it must be a tough day.
She has the cold/allergy stuff going around. Hopefully not longer than a week.
Hope its a short time for her to deal with it, and feels much better soon Mike, we have that hamburger soup now and then, made like a stew here.
Valiant is back running. Help left. I found a new way to clean the Windshield.
I did such a good job you would swear it's not even there.
I was going to ask your way of cleaning it but now I see, hopefully all goes well and glad to hear its up and running.
Kind of an unhappy day here for me. My father and brother were both born on the 17th of March. My father died in 1989 as most of you know. My brother died of suicide in 2008.:eek:
Remember the good times, and the fun you guys had Mitch, I am sure there was many.
Bless you all this morning on this St. Patrick's day.
Morning, not sure what is on the agenda today.................

Yesterday I was able to get the container cleaned out and organized again. I put down grass seed and sprayed the ditches and driveway with weed killer. It was a nice sunny day to get things done before the weather cools down next week.
No. Chainsaw starter rope. Best stuff.

Thank you. I watched it . I went to there web site. Shows how to do a mopar windshield with the lock strip.
Good video. They put the gasket in first. Then the windshield then the lock strip
3 guys but looks straight forward. I have the lock strip tool.
Again thank you
Thank you. I watched it . I went to there web site. Shows how to do a mopar windshield with the lock strip.
Good video. They put the gasket in first. Then the windshield then the lock strip
3 guys but looks straight forward. I have the lock strip tool.
Again thank you
A spare set of hands in invaluable. Even if they have zero experience it still really helps.
Becky wants me to take her out to the new IHOP in town, sure it will be packed. I didn't get enough done yesterday, looks like that will continue today lol!
Just 3 more day to go until my mri on my lower back (just above mt tail bone) where my arthritis dr has discovered my first 3 vertebrae are fused together by calcium and arthritis, she is thinking a nerve block of some kind, I am ready to try anything at this point, she has me on a cain, but I must say I don't use it, hide it mostly when I practice on it..
Tired of waking every morning needing to get relief for awhile in the jacuzzi.. tired of being tired!! Its been a long wait , so sorry to be posting this, but the up side is getting to see my two sons most every day.. and coming here now and then to see everyone has stayed busy and will enjoy this day (except Mitch, hope he can remember the good times he had had with his father and brother).

Leave y'all with this Green picture, and a happy thought for today, may we all feel blessed as I am that we are here today to share or fun times we have had and have in our plans for today..

Becky wants me to take her out to the new IHOP in town, sure it will be packed. I didn't get enough done yesterday, looks like that will continue today lol!
Oh man, hopefully you will get served quickly and your meal is worth your time, get out of there and back home in plenty time to get something done today, I know the feeling, my wife makes plans for me :steering:
Thank you. I watched it . I went to there web site. Shows how to do a mopar windshield with the lock strip.
Good video. They put the gasket in first. Then the windshield then the lock strip
3 guys but looks straight forward. I have the lock strip tool.
Again thank you
Yep. That Nova one is a bit different with the trim going in the gasket before it goes on.

Good Morning
Good morning all. Happy St Pattys Day
I’m sorry today is not a good day Mitch.
Mike enjoy your sons and the company. Every moment counts.