Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just 3 more day to go until my mri on my lower back (just above mt tail bone) where my arthritis dr has discovered my first 3 vertebrae are fused together by calcium and arthritis, she is thinking a nerve block of some kind, I am ready to try anything at this point, she has me on a cain, but I must say I don't use it, hide it mostly when I practice on it..
Tired of waking every morning needing to get relief for awhile in the jacuzzi.. tired of being tired!! Its been a long wait , so sorry to be posting this, but the up side is getting to see my two sons most every day.. and coming here now and then to see everyone has stayed busy and will enjoy this day (except Mitch, hope he can remember the good times he had had with his father and brother).

Leave y'all with this Green picture, and a happy thought for today, may we all feel blessed as I am that we are here today to share or fun times we have had and have in our plans for today..

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I've only had a few sips of coffee, so maybe its me... What the heck is that leg tat supposed to be?
thinking-face.png Wonder if I got any Bailey's for the morning espresso?
Just 3 more day to go until my mri on my lower back (just above mt tail bone) where my arthritis dr has discovered my first 3 vertebrae are fused together by calcium and arthritis, she is thinking a nerve block of some kind, I am ready to try anything at this point, she has me on a cain, but I must say I don't use it, hide it mostly when I practice on it..
Tired of waking every morning needing to get relief for awhile in the jacuzzi.. tired of being tired!! Its been a long wait , so sorry to be posting this, but the up side is getting to see my two sons most every day.. and coming here now and then to see everyone has stayed busy and will enjoy this day (except Mitch, hope he can remember the good times he had had with his father and brother).

Leave y'all with this Green picture, and a happy thought for today, may we all feel blessed as I am that we are here today to share or fun times we have had and have in our plans for today..

View attachment 1716222659 just hang in there and it will get better.
I've only had a few sips of coffee, so maybe its me... What the heck is that leg tat supposed to be?
You know what!! I really don't know, I never looked at it closely, I know the owner of that bad *** alcohol race car, 4 years ago he let his son start driving it , making some of his sons first passes at George Rays..look odd to me, and unfinished
Good morning all. Happy St Pattys Day
I’m sorry today is not a good day Mitch.
Mike enjoy your sons and the company. Every moment counts.
You know it sistha!! All will be better soon enough, will stand tall and smile around my friends and family today, its the only way to live and keep creative thoughts going.
Thank you
Just 3 more day to go until my mri on my lower back (just above mt tail bone) where my arthritis dr has discovered my first 3 vertebrae are fused together by calcium and arthritis, she is thinking a nerve block of some kind, I am ready to try anything at this point, she has me on a cain, but I must say I don't use it, hide it mostly when I practice on it..
Tired of waking every morning needing to get relief for awhile in the jacuzzi.. tired of being tired!! Its been a long wait , so sorry to be posting this, but the up side is getting to see my two sons most every day.. and coming here now and then to see everyone has stayed busy and will enjoy this day (except Mitch, hope he can remember the good times he had had with his father and brother).

Leave y'all with this Green picture, and a happy thought for today, may we all feel blessed as I am that we are here today to share or fun times we have had and have in our plans for today..

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I hate to hear that Mike. I hope they can get you fixed up or at least rid you of the pain without loading you up with nasty drugs. I know where you are coming from. I fell off a ladder getting out of a semi trailer and landed flat on my *** and jammed myself up pretty good. I have 3 spots, one in my neck, one between my shoulder blades, and L4 and 5 where I have a bulged disc and I have bone on bone at times. Thank God it stays in place enough I don't have Sciatica but there is a lot of nagging pain. My neck gives me headaches when it is out of adjustment and the middle makes my elbows lock up with a lot of pain and tingling in my fingers. My chiropractor has been able to keep me straight and relative pain free for a long time now. I only go in when I need to which might be 10 times a year. Gettin old aint for sissies.
Sorry for your loss, It’s not easy Mitch. The 23rd and 26th for me.
Kind of an unhappy day here for me. My father and brother were both born on the 17th of March. My father died in 1989 as most of you know. My brother died of suicide in 2008.:eek:
I hate to hear that Mike. I hope they can get you fixed up or at least rid you of the pain without loading you up with nasty drugs. I know where you are coming from. I fell off a ladder getting out of a semi trailer and landed flat on my *** and jammed myself up pretty good. I have 3 spots, one in my neck, one between my shoulder blades, and L4 and 5 where I have a bulged disc and I have bone on bone at times. Thank God it stays in place enough I don't have Sciatica but there is a lot of nagging pain. My neck gives me headaches when it is out of adjustment and the middle makes my elbows lock up with a lot of pain and tingling in my fingers. My chiropractor has been able to keep me straight and relative pain free for a long time now. I only go in when I need to which might be 10 times a year. Gettin old aint for sissies.
Yep, I have a script of some relief but take half of a prescribed pill every time it gets bad and in my way to relax or sleep, from past experiences those pills plug me up, Mikie likes to stay regular and agree, chiro doc keep me going, waiting to see the mri before I go see my Chiropractor, haven't been sense November.
So in my infinite wisdom I decided to utilize the opportunity to get in some strength training an cardio. After unloading rail road ties by myself yesterday and wrestling them into place I have woken up with a new plan for today. I will reposition truck and trailer and use the tractor to pick them. I simply don’t remember railroad ties being this heavy the last time I wrestled them (20 years ago). I am sore top to bottom! I have to do a bunch of walking and shooting this week and I can’t raise my arms this morning. Time to rethink my plan!
Let your older self heal, cardio work and stretch will help, walk it off is always good to brother! Thinking I to need some cardiovascular work , hold that chin high cousin, its going to be a great day @Sublime one
So in my infinite wisdom I decided to utilize the opportunity to get in some strength training an cardio. After unloading rail road ties by myself yesterday and wrestling them into place I have woken up with a new plan for today. I will reposition truck and trailer and use the tractor to pick them. I simply don’t remember railroad ties being this heavy the last time I wrestled them (20 years ago). I am sore top to bottom! I have to do a bunch of walking and shooting this week and I can’t raise my arms this morning. Time to rethink my plan!
And about what do they weigh? Are these actual creosote/tarred ties? Been a long time since I moved one, but I know they ain't light.
So in my infinite wisdom I decided to utilize the opportunity to get in some strength training an cardio. After unloading rail road ties by myself yesterday and wrestling them into place I have woken up with a new plan for today. I will reposition truck and trailer and use the tractor to pick them. I simply don’t remember railroad ties being this heavy the last time I wrestled them (20 years ago). I am sore top to bottom! I have to do a bunch of walking and shooting this week and I can’t raise my arms this morning. Time to rethink my plan!
Work smarter not harder....

Or as we used to say... There's a fine line between hard-core and stupid.

I routinely pole vault over that line myself

Did High Speed Rail update that support system technology to fit the newer rail usage?
Long ago ATSF&RY had a massive derailment in the old homeland. Seems one of the engineers missed the internal memo about the maintenance department doing their railroad tie replacement procedure on the tracks. Normally according to my engineer friends that particular curve was fit for 75 mph. With every third tie out for replacement, not so much. 30 mph tops. Scattered freight cars allover the desert.