

Dan the man

Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2014
Reaction score
I didn't want to highjack 318willrun's thread. I think that it's awesome how he did 3-18, I don't like the date as that's the day my brother passed away 2 years ago.
I didn't want to highjack 318willrun's thread. I think that it's awesome how he did 3-18, I don't like the date as that's the day my brother passed away 2 years ago.
Sorry for your loss :(
I’m sorry about your brother Dan. Losing loved ones is hard. Reminder of how fragile life is. I hope you are doing well.
Thanks for sharing, and sorry fir your loss. Hopefully, your pain will lessen with time and your memories of your brother will be enhanced.
Sorry to hear Dan, you will remember that date for the rest of your life.
My family`s tragic date is friday 13
Yeah we buried my dad on Friday Feb 13 back in 1998....
And back in 1979 we buried my sister on Halloween....with all the visions that that day brings in most people's minds.. so that day isn't too good for me either
Yeah we buried my dad on Friday Feb 13 back in 1998....
And back in 1979 we buried my sister on Halloween....with all the visions that that day brings in most people's minds.. so that day isn't too good for me either
I hate to hear about your dad and sister. Sorry for your loss
Lost my nephew last April, Dad in May, brother in June of last year. Try and live each day to the fullest. I know that's what they would say and myself for that matter. I lost my cousin on halloween in 1979 . RIP to all.
Lost my nephew last April, Dad in May, brother in June of last year. Try and live each day to the fullest. I know that's what they would say and myself for that matter. I lost my cousin on halloween in 1979 . RIP to all.
Sorry for your losses. Our loved ones will always be in our hearts. My they all rest in peace.
So sorry for everyone's loss of their loved ones...it is very hard to deal with. I know too...my mom died on
Christmas day 1994. I lost my wife to cancer, at 38 yrs old, on an upcoming date...
April 5, 1998. Dad, and older brother are gone too. I know they are all in Paradise now, no pain, or suffering.
Waiting for me, to arrive one day.