anyone else smell Bushit ?

It is possible. Right now, the wife and are where we are not supposed to be. My mortgage is 45% of monthly net earnings. I work, she is stay at home mom, and the kids just doubled with the birth of the twins. We do it with cells, cable(no HD), and internet. The difference is AUTO's, and the descretionary spending. No monster HD tv (I want, but not a need, so it waits) no designer 125.00 jeans, and we have company come over for dinner, as opposed to eating out. We have no car payments, paid cash for both, and we keep them pretty basic, (I paid more for my Dart then I did my 1997 Ram, and she has had a Neon and stepped to a used Caravan) and I keep them on the road with my tools and hands. I am making payments on the Dart, so in order for this to work, I have to give up a Saturday, and the OT from Saturday covers the Dart payment.

My point is, it can be done, if people will adjust livestyle, but too many people think Iphone/198" big screen TV/Escalade on 26"'s/ is a RIGHT, when they are actually an OPTION.
Rest assured there are bank executives carrying brown bag lunches to work now too. NOT !

We are the people. If we are buying all these empty houses all over the counrty lets free up the FEMA trailers and "rent to own' these houses to those homeless folks.