anyone else smell Bushit ?



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2007
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We were informed and convinced there were weapons of mass distruction in Iraq. None were found.
We were told the war was over. NOT !
Considering this presidents track record, a pattern of lies...
Do we believe there really is an economic crissis ?
If so, was the actual figure more like 664 billion and rounded up to 700 billion ? What does another 36 billion matter ? You can bet there are exact figures on how much is needed, how much will be recooped and how much we'll loose.
The sad part is having a president who evidently believes evrything his cabinet and advisors tell him. He is simply the front man who appears on prime time television and presents what he is told to the people. A talking head and an idiot to boot.
I guess what really fans the fumes of Bushit today is the timing. The economy slowing just before an election is normal. Has it all been exagerated to extremes this time ?
Respond to my rant if you want. Just spilling my thoughts here.
Could be.... I am no expert .... But I did just dump a bunch more Money into stocks (5 minutes ago )..... I really look for a huge increase for the Dow after this thing gets approved..... But what do I know ????? Hope I don't lose my A!@ !!!!
Who said the war was over? I missed that I guess.

Has it been blown up? NO. The gas prices are killing our economy. Add to that all these loans that were made but never should have been.

As far as blaming Bush, go ahead. But democrats were the recipients of a lot of this easy cash. Why didnt you mention that?

This is what happens when you think things are free. This is what happens when you let the rent-to-own mentality seep into the financial world.

We were warned YEARS ago that this was coming. No one listened and now we are paying!

Read something besides liberal rags who blame everything on conservatives for a change. You might see that foreign countries are loaning us money at alarming rates.

And what do we do? We buy oil and products from them instead of getting it right here in the USA. Thanks to who? POLITICIANS
What about businesses closing up, some moving to other parts of the country and even other parts of the world. I know Volvo is closing it's Mack's WHQ and moving to Volvo's N. American HQ in Va. Minimum of 300 loosing jobs including yours truly, some of these people have 30 years and are not retirement age.

j/k of course....better stock up on the ammo though, and on that I am totally serious.
yeah people are moving there biz to other places in the world . with the schooling the kids get , like me i cant spell for **** . they are going to tak the work where they see people being able to make big impacts on the job . un like here where most kids drop out . or the schools cant teach a dog to sit . if we could improve our schools and make laws to keep kids in schools whe could help save the jobs of tomarrow . mcdonals is not going to feed our kids familys.
I never mentioned or blamed either political party. I really dont the the mortgage lenders are to blame either. I honestly believe those facing forclosure could have made their mortgage payments if they were willing to give up cellphones, cable tv,internet service, stadium seats, SUVs, and so on. Those lenders expected them to do whats nessesary to keep their homes.
We were informed and convinced there were weapons of mass distruction in Iraq. None were found.
We were told the war was over. NOT !
Considering this presidents track record, a pattern of lies....
Oh geez. Try getting your news from someone other than and code pink. All through the late 90s and right up until the 2000 election it was the democrats who were talking about the danger Saddam's WMD programs posed to the U.S. All of them. Clinton, Gore, Kennedy, Dodd, Rockefeller, you name it. Congress, with strong democratic support, voted to approve military action THREE MONTHS BEFORE Bush's now infamous (thanks to the liberal media) WMD speech. The only pattern of lies is the one in the leftist media that has you fooled.

Do we believe there really is an economic crissis ?
If so, was the actual figure more like 664 billion and rounded up to 700 billion ? What does another 36 billion matter ? You can bet there are exact figures on how much is needed, how much will be recooped and how much we'll loose.
Yes, we do. As someone who spent years in the mortgage industry I can assure you that if Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are allowed to fail the devastation to the economy will be on a scale that no one has seen since the 1930s. Bank failures will fall like dominoes.

The sad part is having a president who evidently believes evrything his cabinet and advisors tell him. He is simply the front man who appears on prime time television and presents what he is told to the people. A talking head and an idiot to boot.
Man, you could not have come up with a better description of Obama.

I guess what really fans the fumes of Bushit today is the timing. The economy slowing just before an election is normal. Has it all been exagerated to extremes this time ?
The economy slowing before an election is good for those out of office not those in. That is probably why the democrats are dragging their asses on this issue yet again. They have always acted as though what is bad for the country is good for them. Who cares about economic disaster if it gets them back in the White House? They did everything they could to help the terrorists try to defeat us in Iraq.
The part of this that gets to me is that, while we are all hurting as a result of the mess, we are expected to foot the bill as taxpayers. All this so that the companies that have been taking advantage of ordinary working folks can get a break. The companies should come hat in hand to the taxpayers begging for a loan just like they expect us to do when we need one from them. Another example of the double standard politicains apply to their cronies.
I never mentioned or blamed either political party. I really dont the the mortgage lenders are to blame either. I honestly believe those facing forclosure could have made their mortgage payments if they were willing to give up cellphones, cable tv,internet service, stadium seats, SUVs, and so on. Those lenders expected them to do whats nessesary to keep their homes.
No, that isn't it. During the Clinton administration, the democrats, led by Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, decided it wasn't "fair" that there were low income people who could not get home loans so they started accusing lenders of prejudice and pressuring them to ease their qualification requirements. The democrats have been using Fennie and Freddie as a tool to pander for votes from the poor and it is biting us in the *** now. Bush, McCain (who co-sponsored the bill that was the best attempt to head this off) and other republicans saw this coming years ago but the democrats blocked every attempt to reform the oversight of Fannie and Freddie.
The part of this that gets to me is that, while we are all hurting as a result of the mess, we are expected to foot the bill as taxpayers. All this so that the companies that have been taking advantage of ordinary working folks can get a break. The companies should come hat in hand to the taxpayers begging for a loan just like they expect us to do when we need one from them. Another example of the double standard politicains apply to their cronies.
No arguing with that.
Hey from up north in BC.

I look on the TV, and watch the news and hear and see all this financial burden, and problems down there, But If I go across the boarder to visit, everything looks fine ( washington) Some area's in the united states must be getting hit alot harder than others. I am just wondering what states. are they down south, is that why I don't see it?

Most canadians are watching what is happening to you guys because we usually follow right behind. Though alot of profesionals feal that we won't be hit as bad because canada never let the sub prime morgages, and zero down happen here. If intrest rates rise, it doesn/t matter if you have zero down or 100K down, 23% is 23 % and most people would lose there shirts if that happend. ( just like the 1980's)

Like I said above, Where is the hardest hit area's, cause I don't see it

I hope in the end, everything works out for the better. Its at least informative to watch, and learn from/about.

I never mentioned or blamed either political party. I really dont the the mortgage lenders are to blame either. I honestly believe those facing forclosure could have made their mortgage payments if they were willing to give up cellphones, cable tv,internet service, stadium seats, SUVs, and so on. Those lenders expected them to do whats nessesary to keep their homes.

I agree. But some lenders-apparently a lot-gave people loans who KNEW they couldnt make the payments when the rates went up.

I was watching a "sell this house" type show 2 weeks ago where the guy couldnt give his house away (in a bad neighborhood) and he couldnt afford to keep it because the a.r.m. was going up.

He ended up having his girlfriend move in to help with the payment. I am sure that worked out wonderfully. LOL
The part of this that gets to me is that, while we are all hurting as a result of the mess, we are expected to foot the bill as taxpayers. All this so that the companies that have been taking advantage of ordinary working folks can get a break. The companies should come hat in hand to the taxpayers begging for a loan just like they expect us to do when we need one from them. Another example of the double standard politicains apply to their cronies.

I know exactly what you mean. Problem is its a double edged sword. Fight the bailouts and watch numerous companies fold. People lose jobs. They cant spend so even more people lose jobs. To me the biggest issue is that you just know that too much of the bailout money is going to end up going to corporations that will find a way to abuse the situation.
I think the mortgage lenders have a lot to do with this as well as politicians. When the real estate market was "hot" mortgage lenders were giving money away pretty easily. People were over-extending themselves because the lenders allowed people to take up to 125% of the appraised value of their property. We also had predatory lenders that were charging outrageous closing costs to uncanny individuals.

During the 90's politicians were accusing lenders of being discriminatory to lower income individuals. So people with lower incomes and lower credit scores were now given loans. This was facilitated by the government pressuring mortgage lenders to be more lax in their lending requirements.

It is just a vicious circle. One the biggest issue's is that some people are just giving up their houses without a fight. It is to easy now to give up your house. Some people are doing it to “get a fresh start”. That is a bunch of BS! I've known a few people who refinanced and refinanced again and refinanced a third time to squeeze out all of the equity in their house. Well now that the housing market has taken a dump they don’t want to pay for something that isn’t worth that much. So they just call the bank and say “I don’t want to pay for it anymore”.

Guess who gets to pay for all of these foreclosures because someone “wants a fresh start”. The rest of A-Holes who keep fighting to get by!

I'm sure things will get better.
I was watching a "sell this house" type show 2 weeks ago where the guy couldnt give his house away (in a bad neighborhood) and he couldnt afford to keep it because the a.r.m. was going up.

A few years back, there was a house in a neighboring town that would not sell. The owners decided to raffle it off. They sold 2000 tickets for $100 each and got alot more for the house than it was worth. And somebody got a house for 100 clams. Not sure how they got around lottery laws though.
Hey from up north in BC.

I look on the TV, and watch the news and hear and see all this financial burden, and problems down there, But If I go across the boarder to visit, everything looks fine ( washington) Some area's in the united states must be getting hit alot harder than others. I am just wondering what states. are they down south, is that why I don't see it?

Most canadians are watching what is happening to you guys because we usually follow right behind. Though alot of profesionals feal that we won't be hit as bad because canada never let the sub prime morgages, and zero down happen here. If intrest rates rise, it doesn/t matter if you have zero down or 100K down, 23% is 23 % and most people would lose there shirts if that happend. ( just like the 1980's)

Like I said above, Where is the hardest hit area's, cause I don't see it

I hope in the end, everything works out for the better. Its at least informative to watch, and learn from/about.


This goes back to an old saying from Texas "Big hat, no cattle" How do you tell if someone is broke? Do they live in a big house or a small house? Do they drive Escalades or Chevy's?

All the houses I see being sold at auction are twice the size of mine, I wonder why?

People need to live within their means.

What about those of us who have been fiscally responsible and bought homes we could afford? Who comes and helps us when our mortgage payment comes due each month?
The notion that the citizens of the United States are "entitled" to be homeowners is ridiculous. Homeownership should be encouraged because of the obvious benefits to both the owner and society in general, but no one has the right to own their own home.

(BTW, is there any way we can change the title of this topic? I still happen to respect President Bush and think the title is a tad over the top. Just one man's opinion.)
This goes back to an old saying from Texas "Big hat, no cattle" How do you tell if someone is broke? Do they live in a big house or a small house? Do they drive Escalades or Chevy's?

All the houses I see being sold at auction are twice the size of mine, I wonder why?

People need to live within their means.


I agree. Its funny when someone is braging about what they own... they rattle off there cars, trucks, boat, bike's house, cabin...then you say, no...what do YOU own, not the bank. shuts them up pretty quick.

I just have a small 100 year old house. one bedroom, soon to be two. in a litlle debt right now because of getting married, but besides that, if I don't have the cash, I don't buy it. good way to live. don't need to keep up to the jones's

But back to my question. Is it all over USA that is haveing the morgage problems? cause I see on the news streets with for sale/forclosure signs at every house, But I don't see that if I cross the boarder. Must be down south more. I hear california is doing OK. maybe in the south East is bad...anyone?

I think some areas are worse than others. It would surprise me if things aren't bad in California.

Small town areas (where I live) tend to have conservative values and aren't as affected. We don't buy into arm's and interest only loans, hell, I'm from Kentucky and even I know better!

The thing that is hard for me right now is the money I have in my 401k. I'm down 20% since the first of the year... It's hard to watch the $ go down and keep sinking $ into it, but I do.

I took a 15 year mortgage on my house when I bought it and it's the only thing I owe on (almost done with it). Honestly, I'm not hurting at all right now, but there are a lot of people who are hurting because they took on too much debt. Some might say it is the lenders fault, well, that's like accusing the bartender of "over-serving", I think everyone makes their own problems (God knows I have made mine!)

I used to have a woman who worked with me who was fond of saying that when you point a finger at one person (party), remember that three more are pointing right back at yourself...

Lets see, things are going to hell in a handbasket now - it must be the Dems fault because they have controlled congress for the last 21 months. Prior to that the Repubs controlled both houses for 10 years! Six of those with a Repub president.

With a solid majority in both houses of congress and a president of the same party for six years, anything they wanted to accomplish could/would be done. Right now, we have exactly the kind of mess that they wanted. "Government is the problem, cut back, deregulate, on and on...". Don't give me the bullshit that this is a 100% Dem problem. Personally, I was a hell of a lot better off 8 years ago when neither party controlled the whole ball of wax.

Another favorite repub tactic is to keep us scared and divided; us vs them, U.S. vs "the rest of the world", red state vs blue state, Fox watchers and MSNBC watchers. As long as we can stay pissed off with each other and divided the easier we are to control. I believe that there are good Dems and bad Dems; good Repubs and bad Repubs. Why can't we agree on that, unite and throw out the "bad ones" in each party? I have voted for people in both parties, sometimes proudly, sometimes not.

Sorry for the rant.
A few years back, there was a house in a neighboring town that would not sell. The owners decided to raffle it off. They sold 2000 tickets for $100 each and got alot more for the house than it was worth. And somebody got a house for 100 clams. Not sure how they got around lottery laws though.

thats a good ideal . i might try that with my car .lol.
I honestly believe those facing forclosure could have made their mortgage payments if they were willing to give up cellphones, cable tv,internet service, stadium seats, SUVs, and so on. Those lenders expected them to do what's nessesary to keep their homes.

It is possible. Right now, the wife and are where we are not supposed to be. My mortgage is 45% of monthly net earnings. I work, she is stay at home mom, and the kids just doubled with the birth of the twins. We do it with cells, cable(no HD), and internet. The difference is AUTO's, and the descretionary spending. No monster HD tv (I want, but not a need, so it waits) no designer 125.00 jeans, and we have company come over for dinner, as opposed to eating out. We have no car payments, paid cash for both, and we keep them pretty basic, (I paid more for my Dart then I did my 1997 Ram, and she has had a Neon and stepped to a used Caravan) and I keep them on the road with my tools and hands. I am making payments on the Dart, so in order for this to work, I have to give up a Saturday, and the OT from Saturday covers the Dart payment.

My point is, it can be done, if people will adjust livestyle, but too many people think Iphone/198" big screen TV/Escalade on 26"'s/ is a RIGHT, when they are actually an OPTION.
It's bushit for sure,check out the Forbes list for the highest paid ceo's,I bet you will recognize a few of the BIG business's.And since it's my money and yours thats being used when will we get our first check?I mean we will be the owners now,right?I feel they should post the top 10 paid employes from each company that is being bailed out with what they have made each year for the last five years on the front page of every newspaper.