Just Got Layed Off

sorry to hear,, good luck in your search,,,

Thank you fstfish, I'll bust my *** and do whatever it takes. :cheers: BTW, that supercharged Cuda always floats my boat and is one hell of an inspiration. :cheers: Ever had that the strip?

Really sorry to hear that, way too much of that going on these days. You have a lot of skills so I have no doubt you'll land on your feet in no time, best of luck. Wish I was there to see the look on their faces when you asked for your slinky, is there anything you need, yeah my slinky, uh ok :scratch: :-D

LOL! Yeah, they actually mentioned it before I did as everyone in the office came to play with it. Like I said before, I was in shock. Some people would think "What am I going to do?". I thought "How am I going to support my dogs?". I was literally shaking. Here's a 43 year old man who has a looked a wolf in the eye, drag raced motorcycles and what truly scared me was loosing my job. I've been shot at, nearly stabbed twice, my right eye socket broken, nearly frozen to death in -40F weather on a ill fated cross-country ski trip and been lost hunting but losing my job reduces me to jello. I don't get it.

Yeah Ramcharger, my dogs new something was wrong also when i got laid off, somehow they know.

Let me know if you need a place to stay if you decide to interview out here.

Yep, they just know. Thank you so much rp. I do truly appreciate it. :cheers: Careful what what you offer. I may take you up on it. :-D

Quote wrote by ramcharger :toothy10: a slinky sewed to the top of his hat, holding a Snap-On mug and a sign saying "Will work for dog food" a break? lol!

Do I see a writing job in you future Joe. 8):-k:drinkers:
Four wheelin, Mopar or even Play Boy :cheers:

I could only be so lucky as to make some bread as a writer. I was told by two of my professors that I had talent back in college. One (a hot blond Mormon), was trying to get me to convert so I figured that she had ulterior motives and never persued the possibility....

Feeling a little toasty now. 8)