Just Got Layed Off



Nov 15, 2005
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Yep, got my walking papers and my last check. I've only been on unemployment once in my life.

They wouldn't even let me get my stuff, they're going to pack it and send it to me. I understand though, as a systems engineer, I could do a lot of damage in 30 seconds. Not that I would have. :angry7: My cell phone number is no longer valid so if anyone had my number it has changed. PM me if you need it.

I forsee my credit taking a huge whack until I can find employment. If anyone knows any telecom companies needing help here in Colorado, please let me know. Time to update the resume and start applying like crazy..

Edit: I may start drinking early today so if my post make no sense, please forgive me. This is my time of mourning. :-D Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid.
Sorry to hear that. I hope you find work soon.
sorry to hear that bro. i too got laid off friday. i havent sat at home since i started working. im going to go crazy.
well ramcharger... now you have enough time to post enough comments to catch up to memike! ha!

I wish you the best...

Yep, got my walking papers and my last check. I've only been on unemployment once in my life.

They wouldn't even let me get my stuff, they're going to pack it and send it to me. I understand though, as a systems engineer, I could do a lot of damage in 30 seconds. Not that I would have. :angry7: My cell phone number is no longer valid so if anyone had my number it has changed. PM me if you need it.

I forsee my credit taking a huge whack until I can find employment. If anyone knows any telecom companies needing help here in Colorado, please let me know. Time to update the resume and start applying like crazy..

Edit: I may start drinking early today so if my post make no sense, please forgive me. This is my time of mourning. :-D Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid.

If you have personal items it's your right to collect them up. They can stand there and watch you. When that hapened to me I demanded my stuff on the spot. I told them I would call the police and ask for their assistance. they relented. Thats what they get for giving me all that HR legal training. Hopefully you didn't have anything of value in your desk like a watch. or awards. The awards probably will disappear.
On a positive note, it's almost spring. I suggest you fit some stress reliever in with the job search. Fishing, golfing, gardening, whatever you like.
Best of luck to you.
Sorry to here that Ramcharger. Hope that you find something fairly quick!
Good luck to you!
Thanks everyone! I'll get through this. First thing I did when I got home was turn the heat down from 68 to 60 and put on my favorite plaid wool shirt. :) I'm calling the cable company next and have them switch my service to the very most basic + internet.

This is a time to focus on needs, not wants. Food and shelter. My last check should pay for another months rent, some non-perishible food stuffs and dog food. I have to cancel the next vet appointment for Merlin, but it was just for an implanted ID tag. Dogs are healthy right now.


The girls are staying with me. Someone may see me in couple months using one of the mugs to panhandle, lol.

I will never be able to catch up to Mike Dfns. :)

I haven't told the dogs yet, do you think they'll leave me because I'm an unemployed piece of poop?Will I end up in doggy divorce court? :toothy10:
Sorry to hear it, Ramcharger.

I'll keep an eye out for you.. Heck, there's almost always openings out here at IBM. ;) Feel like doing some tech support?
Soory to hear about your lay off, as a proffesional lay offee, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, Microsoft, I know how it feels.

If you are looking for something, and dont mind relocating, the local power company Puget Sound Energy is hiring.

My wife has worked there for 11 yrs. They are starting at 18.78 a hr.
If you have personal items it's your right to collect them up. They can stand there and watch you. When that hapened to me I demanded my stuff on the spot. I told them I would call the police and ask for their assistance. they relented. Thats what they get for giving me all that HR legal training. Hopefully you didn't have anything of value in your desk like a watch. or awards. The awards probably will disappear.

They asked what I needed right now and my first thought was the slinky I got from Memike's brother, kutocando. They brought it down for me. I really wanted the cell phone to get the numbers off but that wasn't going to happen. I also have a really nice pen and my "hemi" engine model on my desk. A thumb drive too. I better get that stuff back.

On a positive note, it's almost spring. I suggest you fit some stress reliever in with the job search. Fishing, golfing, gardening, whatever you like.
Best of luck to you.

Ahh...Fishing! That would be great but gas costs money. A friend owes me a workout bench and some more weights so that's going to be my stress reducer. That and some serious dog walking. I really like to write too, so that will also be on the agenda.

Sorry to here that Ramcharger. Hope that you find something fairly quick!
Good luck to you!

Thanks Matt. I always wanted to start my own business, maybe this is the kick in the pants I needed. God works in mysterious ways. It would be a mobile IT/telecom business and I would call it "Intelligents". :) My motto would be "Why call a geek if you could call an Intellegent?" :-D

Networking, servers and custom built computers would my specialty along with de-virusing and performance tuning. Hot Rod computers, if you will. I have tons of exeperience in this field. Also data cabling and server room setup, telecom cabling, phone system installation and programming, custom linux server programming, etc.

Hell, I'll build a nice custom garage workbench if someone wants. :cheers:

I have lots of skills, the problem is finding someone to pay me for it. I'll even build a custom motorcycle for someone. Whatever it takes, I will do... No bull.
Dang it Joe what did you do! LOL!

Just keep your spirits up as much as you can buddy! Maybe something will come to you soon. I don't see my job lasting much longer and have already started making plans like you did. Just don't cut my computer off and I will be fine! See then I couldn't bug the crap out of you then! Go ahead and put the stainless steel, turbo charged, ported, slinky up for sale!:-D
Sorry to hear that my friend! Anymore it seems like a day doesnt go by that someone I know is telling me that their job is in jeapordy, they got laid off, or they might lose their home. Good move on thinking smart and making a few "cut-backs" of your own right off the bat. With the work experience/skills that youve told about in the past hopefully it wont be long until you find something new and better. As for them sending your stuff, thats pretty standard nowadays. Sure you could have made a stink and probably gone and gotten your stuff, but at the time Im sure you just wanted to get the hell out there and not become a spectical for everyone to watch. Anything I can do to help please dont hesitate to get ahold of me!

Edit: I may start drinking early today so if my post make no sense, please forgive me. This is my time of mourning. :-D Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid.

LOL There you go! A little escape will probably do you some good. MAybe unplug your phones and take them along with all of your car keys over to the neighbors. Drunk dialing and drunk driving after losing your job could be pretty regretful! NAH, I know that you wouldnt be that careless. Put it out of your mind as much as you can for a day and then get back at it tomorrow.
Sorry to hear it, Ramcharger.

I'll keep an eye out for you.. Heck, there's almost always openings out here at IBM. ;) Feel like doing some tech support?

Brother, as a systems engineer I worked in the NOC for 4 years. That's right up my alley! PM me!

Soory to hear about your lay off, as a proffesional lay offee, McDonnell Douglas, Boeing, Microsoft, I know how it feels.

If you are looking for something, and dont mind relocating, the local power company Puget Sound Energy is hiring.

My wife has worked there for 11 yrs. They are starting at 18.78 a hr.

The Pacific NW is beautiful and I have thought of relocating there. I used to work for a company called Newedge Networks and spent about 4 months Vancouver and Seattle. Been to Port Angeles, Sequim, Everett and Bothel.

The big problem is the cost of relocating and my present lease. Plus finding housing to rent when I say "Yes, I have two Rottie mixes". That was even a problem here in Colorado. I was turned down for two houses due to Maxi.

I won't give up the dogs, even if I have to commute 50 mi a day and live in trailer. My dogs are like my kids, they are with me for life.
I always wanted to start my own business, maybe this is the kick in the pants I needed. God works in mysterious ways. It would be a mobile IT/telecom business and I would call it "Intelligents". :) My motto would be "Why call a geek if you could call an Intellegent?" :-D

Networking, servers and custom built computers would my specialty along with de-virusing and performance tuning. Hot Rod computers, if you will. I have tons of exeperience in this field. Also data cabling and server room setup, telecom cabling, phone system installation and programming, custom linux server programming, etc.

Hell, I'll build a nice custom garage workbench if someone wants. :cheers:

I have lots of skills, the problem is finding someone to pay me for it. I'll even build a custom motorcycle for someone. Whatever it takes, I will do... No bull.

Hell, I'd join you in that venture! Sounds like fun!

Not to mention that those pithy little geek squad bugs would quake in terror from the "Intelligents" imposing V8's of doom.

Edit: Just saw your reply. I'll drop a few lines with my old IBM contacts, see what I can find for ya.

Other than that, craigslist!
Good luck,and keep your chin up I know it will be hard to do that.You likly deserve a breat anyway.:cheers:
I believe they are hiring in the IT dept there also, and I have a extra bedroom in my house, 15x20, the previous owner made the bonus room into 2 bedrooms.

I already have two dogs, fox terriers, and a 100X60 fenced back yard, if they are outside dogs.
Oh, I live in Lynnwood, about a mile away from Alderwood mall, and about 2 miles or so from bothell and Thrashers corner if you know the area.

let me know if you are interested, i will have my wife check into it.
Sorry to hear the bad news bud, I just finish off a bacon grilled cheese sandwich so I would say its time for a cold one.
I sure hope you and your friends will have plenty to eat and stay warm.
Just one minute please :cool:

Went to the fridge and opened a cold one for you and I hold my drink high for you and hope you will find employment soon.:drinkers:

I just took this picture for you Joe, Keep your spirits high and I will look far and wide for you.

pm me when you run out of rum or dog food. with your address hehe.
one question what does Dfns mean.:dontknow::-D

bbbb4 041.jpg
Dang it Joe what did you do! LOL!

Just keep your spirits up as much as you can buddy! Maybe something will come to you soon. I don't see my job lasting much longer and have already started making plans like you did. Just don't cut my computer off and I will be fine! See then I couldn't bug the crap out of you then! Go ahead and put the stainless steel, turbo charged, ported, slinky up for sale!:-D

I didn't do anything, all the CEO's, CIO's etc. are working for free and they let the entire NOC go along with a bunch of sales people.

Ax, you can bug me all you want my friend! Nope I won't the slinky go either, at least not just yet. I mean, who wouldn't give a guy with a slinky sewed to the top of his hat, holding a Snap-On mug and a sign saying "Will work for dog food" a break? lol!

Sorry to hear that my friend! Anymore it seems like a day doesnt go by that someone I know is telling me that their job is in jeapordy, they got laid off, or they might lose their home. Good move on thinking smart and making a few "cut-backs" of your own right off the bat. With the work experience/skills that youve told about in the past hopefully it wont be long until you find something new and better. As for them sending your stuff, thats pretty standard nowadays. Sure you could have made a stink and probably gone and gotten your stuff, but at the time Im sure you just wanted to get the hell out there and not become a spectical for everyone to watch. Anything I can do to help please dont hesitate to get ahold of me!

LOL There you go! A little escape will probably do you some good. MAybe unplug your phones and take them along with all of your car keys over to the neighbors. Drunk dialing and drunk driving after losing your job could be pretty regretful! NAH, I know that you wouldnt be that careless. Put it out of your mind as much as you can for a day and then get back at it tomorrow.

Dawg, I was stunned. :shock: My immediate supervisior and the head of HR were both there as well as the executive secretary. They were all truly sympathetic and even offered me some job leads that I'll follow up on tomorrow. It was like someone telling me that a relative died. The first words out of my mouth were "Oh man, am I screwed". They all offered to be references for me too. :)

LOL! Don't want to get a DWI (Dialing While Intoxicated). :) No driving for me today. I've got what I need here, my dogs, food and liquor. I do need to call some friends and let them know the deal, but I'll call them tomorrow. Thank you so much for the offer of help, you are a true gentleman.

The dogs know something's wrong. I see it in their eyes and actions. They're unusually mellow and Merlin is just staring at me..... He never does that. Maxi's curled up below the desk.
Really sorry to hear that, way too much of that going on these days. You have a lot of skills so I have no doubt you'll land on your feet in no time, best of luck. Wish I was there to see the look on their faces when you asked for your slinky, is there anything you need, yeah my slinky, uh ok :scratch: :-D
Yeah Ramcharger, my dogs new something was wrong also when i got laid off, somehow they know.

Let me know if you need a place to stay if you decide to interview out here.
Quote wrote by ramcharger :toothy10: a slinky sewed to the top of his hat, holding a Snap-On mug and a sign saying "Will work for dog food" a break? lol!

Do I see a writing job in you future Joe. 8):-k:drinkers:
Four wheelin, Mopar or even Play Boy :cheers: