Happy 4/20!

Screw everyone that celebrates 4-20, it's just a day for losers to be bigger losers than they already are. I'm straight edge for life, don't need to drink, don't need to smoke... I prefere to spent my time and money on cars and other important things. That stuff just messes up peoples lives...

My friend had a great line today that I wrote down... "I don't care about all these smokers or today, let them smoke to an early grave."

I agree with ya bro! im the same way as you...it seems these days if your 19 and dont drink or smoke weed your a loser, but its always been the other way around in my opinion...put the money where it matters, into your mopar! i always tell people that the my drug money will be gas money for the scamp when she is done! 8) I dont think your condeming anyone dude- its your opinion, and opinions are like a-holes, everyone has got one...sometimes people just got to accept what other people think thats all...im seen as a loser for not being a crackhead/weed smoker/alcoholic and i could care less so everyone who feels they are being attacked shouldnt really...do you what ya want and dont worry bout no one else!