Happy 4/20!



Nerd Member
Jan 4, 2008
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Augusta, GA
Happy 4/20 everyone! I only think it's fair to start a thread about this since someone else made one about St. Patrick's Day. Don't worry, be happy! 8) :cheers: :happy6: :thumblef: :tongue3: :hello2:
Happy 4/20 everyone! I only think it's fair to start a thread about this since someone else made one about St. Patrick's Day. Don't worry, be happy! 8) :cheers: :happy6: :thumblef: :tongue3: :hello2:

Back at ya Mope! :toothy9:
Screw 4-20, it just irritates me. I'm straight edge for life, don't need to drink, don't need to smoke... I prefere to spent my time and money on cars and other important things. That stuff just messes up peoples lives...

My friend had a great line today that I wrote down... "I don't care about all these smokers or today, let them smoke to an early grave."
And so you know, I am not trying to attack or offend anyone, but if you take it wrong I'm not sorry =) Just letting you know....

I have friends that smoke and drink, I don't have a problem with the people that do, I just do what I think is right.
Screw everyone that celebrates 4-20, it's just a day for losers to be bigger losers than they already are. "

It's a choice that each ADULT person makes, I don't insult you for your choices, please don't insult me for mine. And as far as the loser comment goes you have no clue as to who I am!!
i think its like drinkin back when it was illegial. i dont really see much issue wuth it other then the obvious health concern and it bein illegial. but drinkin pepsi is unhealthy so i cant really say one is different lol. its just not for me:)
I got married on 4-20!! Coincidence?!? I'll never say.

Hemizach, my son's straight edge too, but he doesn't condemn others for their life style choices.
I've seen many hotels with the 420 numeric door plate totally gone off of the doors. LOL

Who else has seen this?

I myself have been down a long hard road of drugs and alcohol. I've been sober since May 1st 2001.... almost eight years (if I make it). I was on the hard stuff and mixing with alcohol.... I was lower that whale s**t and that's pretty low! But I've have changed to a better life and actually enjoy life much better than I used too. I thought if I wasn't high that I was missing out on something for a long time. If I still drank and drug like I used to I would be dead now and I sure wouldn't that nice little green car that is in my avatar either that's for sure.
Screw everyone that celebrates 4-20, it's just a day for losers to be bigger losers than they already are. I'm straight edge for life, don't need to drink, don't need to smoke... I prefere to spent my time and money on cars and other important things. That stuff just messes up peoples lives...

My friend had a great line today that I wrote down... "I don't care about all these smokers or today, let them smoke to an early grave."

I agree with ya bro! im the same way as you...it seems these days if your 19 and dont drink or smoke weed your a loser, but its always been the other way around in my opinion...put the money where it matters, into your mopar! i always tell people that the my drug money will be gas money for the scamp when she is done! 8) I dont think your condeming anyone dude- its your opinion, and opinions are like a-holes, everyone has got one...sometimes people just got to accept what other people think thats all...im seen as a loser for not being a crackhead/weed smoker/alcoholic and i could care less so everyone who feels they are being attacked shouldnt really...do you what ya want and dont worry bout no one else!
i think its like drinkin back when it was illegial. i dont really see much issue wuth it other then the obvious health concern and it bein illegial. but drinkin pepsi is unhealthy so i cant really say one is different lol. its just not for me:)

We sure don't have any alcohol related problems since we legalized drinking do we. Ask anyone who has lost a loved one to a drunk driver, been an abused wife at the hands of a drunk or is in jail because he made a stupid decision while drunk if we should legalize weed. Its ruined this province as it was over 6 billion dollars of our GDP last year. There are way too many retards sitting at home living off the system because they are too stoned and complacent to go out and get a job. If the ever legalize it you should have to be drug tested to get welfare or social assistance. I'm tired of paying massive amounts of taxes to support a bunch lazy SOB's.
Ratman1956 and BrianT .... I don't care what other people do, you guys must have missed that part...

and as for the comment thats its a choice an ADULT person makes, what a bunch of bullsh**. The age that people start doing drugs and drinking is getting lower and lower. You have no idea of how many teens my age today do this stuff. It's not a choice an adult makes.... it becomes the choice a teenager is forced to make in highschool, at least that's how it is today in the highschools here.
Anything can be ABUSED! I choose to use it instead of pharmaceuticals (Effoxor) for anxiety. Again it's MY choice!

And as I said before, I really don't care what other people do man. I have friends that do that stuff and have no problems with it. I just choose not to do it. I'm not telling anyone here that they're horrible people if they do it. I never said that....

So if you were trying to make it seem like I was trying to say that, or you misunderstood. Please don't, that's not what was meant at all 8)
We sure don't have any alcohol related problems since we legalized drinking do we. Ask anyone who has lost a loved one to a drunk driver, been an abused wife at the hands of a drunk or is in jail because he made a stupid decision while drunk if we should legalize weed. Its ruined this province as it was over 6 billion dollars of our GDP last year. There are way too many retards sitting at home living off the system because they are too stoned and complacent to go out and get a job. If the ever legalize it you should have to be drug tested to get welfare or social assistance. I'm tired of paying massive amounts of taxes to support a bunch lazy SOB's.

Why must people generalize like this! I'm 48 years old with a GREAT job, wonderful family and I don't sit on the couch and I'm not on WELFARE. Again ANYTHING can be abused by a weak person. You can inhale paint, cook up just about any concoction of over the counter drugs and so on.

I do agree that anyone receiving assistance should be tested though!