My Wife Left Me Today -sucks

P fogel thats some good advice it seems harder at night when trying to go to sleep ive been up since 3 am i just wake up panicked and cant sleep im like a zomby during the day because im so tired ,i tried to find free counseling ,this here on FABO is what i needed all of these real life experiences and i appreciate it i am 47 yrs old she is 38 so i am feeling like im getting up there and i dont look like i did 4 yrs ago so my confidence and self esteem are at 0
i thank everyone for being so kind in this tough time.

Man do I feel for yah. I found a diary that my ex-wife kept that had documentation of her affair. Reading what I expected was true and more was a hard kick in the heart. But that was all the proof I needed. Great tool for the divorce attorney.
Get your confidence back up and walk proud with your shoulders up and chest out. If you carry yourself in a postive manner someone will notice and it only takes one flirtatous moment to build your self esteam back up. There are a lot of woman your age that have probably been through the same thing. Dont give up the hunt just be carefull if you find one to settle down with and take it slow.
Keep us updated brother.