Why Boxer dog's die young

Here is a big batch, over feeding is a problem, know that Buddy is just over 5 months old he only need's two small meals a day :cheers: Know I can remove the feeding bowls of the floor :happy10: I had to keep food down for him all the time and know it will be easier :-D after a year they recommend feeding one time a day at the same time of day.
Good dog food is very expensive to buy, then your are taking a chance on if it is good. I have the time to do this and it looks like a way to go for me.

YouTube- Cooking With Anton - Home-made Dog Food
not to long ago i ran into a sales rep for one of natural dog food companies. don't remember the name of it, but he swore up and down how great there food was. said first thing we would notice was our dogs energy level increasing and a nicer coat. he went as far as giving me a 25# bag of food. before giving it to our Queensland, gave her a bath and brushing, so she was at least clean. the only thing that changed was she had really bad gas, i mean to the point of we had to toss her stinky *** outside for a while. no increase in energy or coat change. i can say that when we put our other cattle dog, who had developed some serious health issues, on the boiled chicken/rice diet, he became very energetic, at least for him. he returned to his awnry self. my sister had several friends that were dog show folks, both agility and show. all of her friends fed them home brewed dog food. she had a friend that had a retriever of sorts that lived 14-15 years. he was still dock jumping at age 12. no health issues what so ever, he never even had any grey hairs appear...