Why Boxer dog's die young



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Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
Compared to other breads they have a short life span, so I got look'in

One thing I did not know is Do Not!! Never let your Boxer eat Wheat :read2:
They a real bad allergic to it :read2:
This is something that can be part of the reason they have short life span's.
I will keep this thread going for all our dog lovers we have here, and there is a bunch of ya out there :happy10:.

Or it could be like the old saying "The Good Die Young" and he is a dandy friend :happy10::happy10:, He just loves us :happy10:

this is a 5 month old friend of mine named Buddy to the folks that did not know.
Know is the time to start making his food myself and there is two feeding times a day :happy10:
If you have any thing to add to this thread to share jump right in :happy10:

49'ers KNIFE 036.jpg
Great thread Mike!

Grapes and Chocolate are bad for dogs too and will kill them.

One thing I would like to add is that a friend of mine had gone for a 15 minute errand to the drugstore. When he got back, he found his 2 yr. old German Shepherd dead in a pile of his own poop. It was truly horrible. What happened was it that one of his friends who was over had finished a mylar bag (the foil looking plastic stuff) of potato chips and threw the bag in the garbage. The GSD got in the garbage and stuck his snout in the bag and couldn't get it off. He suffocated to death.

Even though I put my garbage up, I still open up both ends of any bag I throw out just in case. This is a true story and I personally know who this happened to. If this message saves just one dog, it's worth it.

I hope I didn't bum anyone out with this story but I had to tell you all.
I knew about the chocolate but I don't think I've ever heard about grapes? What is it about grapes that they have a problem with? Is it the skin or the seeds?
had a neighbor that bred GSD's years ago. she believed in a natural diet, she would feed them ground chicken, bones and all, as well as raw beef products, with bones ground up. would even throw in certain types of fish. said it was what they ate before they became domesticated. cost her a small fortune every month....
raisins are no good also. every day when we feed our birds our dogs get some carrots, snap peas, string beans and the occasional broccoli...when my black and tan coonhound refused to eat dog food, out vet said to go down the produce aisle, so at least he had something in his stomach. after a few days mixed in some ground beef/turkey/chicken and then mix in dog food after a few days. he was back on dog food after a few weeks. when our one cattle dog developed problems, we would boil a whole chicken with some rice, pick the chicken clean, mix it in with the rice. he loved it....
Great thread Mike!

Grapes and Chocolate are bad for dogs too and will kill them.

One thing I would like to add is that a friend of mine had gone for a 15 minute errand to the drugstore. When he got back, he found his 2 yr. old German Shepherd dead in a pile of his own poop. It was truly horrible. What happened was it that one of his friends who was over had finished a mylar bag (the foil looking plastic stuff) of potato chips and threw the bag in the garbage. The GSD got in the garbage and stuck his snout in the bag and couldn't get it off. He suffocated to death.

Even though I put my garbage up, I still open up both ends of any bag I throw out just in case. This is a true story and I personally know who this happened to. If this message saves just one dog, it's worth it.

I hope I didn't bum anyone out with this story but I had to tell you all.
This is the kind of stuff I am glad to see put on this thread ramcharger :cheers:
I am sorry you and your friend had to go though the death of a friend
Thank you for sharing some very useful info :happy10: I never thought about the bags and seems like grapes was talked about on a Youtube I watched.
We have to protect them like a child and keep there living space baby proof
Next time I throw away a bag I will do as you do, and spread the word :cheers:
had a neighbor that bred GSD's years ago. she believed in a natural diet, she would feed them ground chicken, bones and all, as well as raw beef products, with bones ground up. would even throw in certain types of fish. said it was what they ate before they became domesticated. cost her a small fortune every month....

Here is a big batch, over feeding is a problem, know that Buddy is just over 5 months old he only need's two small meals a day :cheers: Know I can remove the feeding bowls of the floor :happy10: I had to keep food down for him all the time and know it will be easier :-D after a year they recommend feeding one time a day at the same time of day.
Good dog food is very expensive to buy, then your are taking a chance on if it is good. I have the time to do this and it looks like a way to go for me.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFs9Mto3bJE"]YouTube- Cooking With Anton - Home-made Dog Food[/ame]
Our lab had a problem with dry skin ( scratching all the time) Vet told us to not feed her any food with corn meal in it because labs could easily be allergic to it. Next time you go to buy dog food try and find some that isn't full of corn meal!
We buy ours at the pet store now, grocery store had none with out corn meal.
A friend who is a very serious dog owner told me pork is not good for them.
Here is a big batch, over feeding is a problem, know that Buddy is just over 5 months old he only need's two small meals a day :cheers: Know I can remove the feeding bowls of the floor :happy10: I had to keep food down for him all the time and know it will be easier :-D after a year they recommend feeding one time a day at the same time of day.
Good dog food is very expensive to buy, then your are taking a chance on if it is good. I have the time to do this and it looks like a way to go for me.

YouTube- Cooking With Anton - Home-made Dog Food
not to long ago i ran into a sales rep for one of natural dog food companies. don't remember the name of it, but he swore up and down how great there food was. said first thing we would notice was our dogs energy level increasing and a nicer coat. he went as far as giving me a 25# bag of food. before giving it to our Queensland, gave her a bath and brushing, so she was at least clean. the only thing that changed was she had really bad gas, i mean to the point of we had to toss her stinky *** outside for a while. no increase in energy or coat change. i can say that when we put our other cattle dog, who had developed some serious health issues, on the boiled chicken/rice diet, he became very energetic, at least for him. he returned to his awnry self. my sister had several friends that were dog show folks, both agility and show. all of her friends fed them home brewed dog food. she had a friend that had a retriever of sorts that lived 14-15 years. he was still dock jumping at age 12. no health issues what so ever, he never even had any grey hairs appear...
had a neighbor that bred GSD's years ago. she believed in a natural diet, she would feed them ground chicken, bones and all, as well as raw beef products, with bones ground up. would even throw in certain types of fish. said it was what they ate before they became domesticated. cost her a small fortune every month....

She's right.
Mike, thank you for this heads up. I will be getting a boxer soon and any help is appreciated. Making my own food is always a great idea. I make my own oscar fish food and they are healthy and beautiful.
Hi everyone, this is Nikki. JR asked me to share dog knowledge with you. Certain breeds can be prone to having allergies, just like they are prone to having certain genetic predispositions like hip dysplasia or seizures. The type of foods that your dog is allergic however, and are not necessarily breed specific. If you think that your dog is allergic to it's food, the most common food allergies are generally corn, wheat, or soy, which is what food companies use as fillers to cheat you out of the good expensive meat. Sometimes dogs can also be allergic to proteins like chick or beef, generally something that they have eaten all their life. The best thing to do in this case is switch to a diet that contains a protein that they haven't ever had and that also doesn't contain a bunch of the fillers and has something else like potato or rice. Most food allergies are evident in red itchy skin or upset tummies.
Food toxicity is a little different and much more dangerous. Foods that contain chemicals that are toxic to animals in large amounts can be fatal. Tylenol, Ibuprofen, sugar free gum that contains Xyletol are some dangerous things you should not give your pets. Asprin can be given but it has to be Buffered asprin (coated) so that it doesn't hurt their stomach lining. Asprin can also thin the blood out so it shouldn't be given one week prior to any surgery. Chocolate contains a chemical that is toxic to dogs, but milk chocolate doesn't have much in it. Your dog could probably eat a couple of Snickers bars and be fine (not that I recommend it!). Baking chocolate and dark chocolates are much more toxic though. Some foods that are sometimes actually put into dog food and supplements can also be toxic in large amounts, like garlic, onion, grapes (raisins too), and avocado. There are a butt load of plants that are toxic to animals that is too long to list, but Poinsettia (red Christmas flowers) can be one of the common mishaps. Usually if you break off a stem and the inside has milky stuff for blood....it is bad. And of course as everyone knows, don't feed your dog sweet delicious anti-freeze, but it works well on your neighbors cats that won't stop pooping in your flower bed.:snakeman:
I currently own two boxers.. me and the wife treat them like our kids (Pete and Amy) Pete's 5 Amy's 6... box dogs are in good health but during winter months they both experience hip and joint stiffness.

We feed our dogs Nutro Natrual Choice Lite which has less filler than most dog foods and has glucolsumine (SP) for their hips.

Pet co has treats that we used to give them everynight but they have raisens in them.. and everynight that they ate them they threw up.. poor babies... we searched the internet to find out that it was a big no no to give ur dogs raisens...

B 4 we had these two knuckel heads we had one another male boxer who was a complete stud.. the poster dog for boxer and knew freackin english..lol.. we one day my buddy came by and he loved my dog and vise versa.. so i let the dog outside so he wouldn't get to hyper... about 15 mins later I called for Damon (the dog) and he didnt come.. I knew something was wrong instantly. I found him dead in the yard... completely healthy and just had been to the vet a couple months prior. The vet said he could of had this rare boxer heart condition that that killed him.. the vet went on to say that the prolly dies b4 he even hit the ground.

To this day I still miss my Damon... I'd trade him for my wife anyday,lol







Hey Mike,
We're Boxer folks too. The one I have now is number six, since I was born. They all have had the same name. His is "Sir Bullit of Smith Wesson". We called all of them Bullit. He is 12 years old now. His hips are tired, and he has never gained alot of weight, but man what a great pal! I would'nt have any other breed, their the best. Ony the Lord knows when his time is up, but I will say the day after... number 7 will be a sleep in my lap. Can't figure out how to post pics on this quick reply, but I'd like to show him to you. Thanks for this thread.
Well Hello Nikki :cheers: Thank you for your knowledge you shared here with us :-D
Buddy is always by my side "his choice" and when I have this pup out side well you can guess what pups like this do :angry7: they play with flowers and any plant that is within reaching distance I have opened his mouth several times to dig out a flower or weed he grabs 8) Thank you Nikki :-D
And you to Jr. I see you married more than just a pretty lady :happy10:

I am such a flirt :toothy10:
I currently own two boxers.. me and the wife treat them like our kids (Pete and Amy) Pete's 5 Amy's 6... box dogs are in good health but during winter months they both experience hip and joint stiffness.

We feed our dogs Nutro Natrual Choice Lite which has less filler than most dog foods and has glucolsumine (SP) for their hips.

Pet co has treats that we used to give them everynight but they have raisens in them.. and everynight that they ate them they threw up.. poor babies... we searched the internet to find out that it was a big no no to give ur dogs raisens...

B 4 we had these two knuckel heads we had one another male boxer who was a complete stud.. the poster dog for boxer and knew freackin english..lol.. we one day my buddy came by and he loved my dog and vise versa.. so i let the dog outside so he wouldn't get to hyper... about 15 mins later I called for Damon (the dog) and he didnt come.. I knew something was wrong instantly. I found him dead in the yard... completely healthy and just had been to the vet a couple months prior. The vet said he could of had this rare boxer heart condition that that killed him.. the vet went on to say that the prolly dies b4 he even hit the ground.

To this day I still miss my Damon... I'd trade him for my wife anyday,lol








Sorry for your loss USCG
Yes these dogs do have some problems of there own that is in there heredity.
You have a very cool looking pair there :cheers: I almost named Buddy Red.
Here's a website to check out for food items toxic to dogs (I apologize for the background 'music'):

Also, keep in mind any possible dangers if you have to confine/contain your dog during the day. Some years ago we had some friends who had a Boxer that loved to jump. They both worked during the day so would tie their Boxer to a stump that he could still pull around their yard but cut down on his mobility some - they figured it would prevent him from getting a running start and stop him from jumping over their fence.
Unfortunately, they came home one day and found the dog had jumped over the fence and hung itself. He'd pulled the stump closer to the fence gate but not close enough to allow his feet to touch the ground on the other side.
As with Ramcharger, I don't mean to freak anybody out - just caution you about potential dangers.
Hey Mike,
We're Boxer folks too. The one I have now is number six, since I was born. They all have had the same name. His is "Sir Bullit of Smith Wesson". We called all of them Bullit. He is 12 years old now. His hips are tired, and he has never gained alot of weight, but man what a great pal! I would'nt have any other breed, their the best. Ony the Lord knows when his time is up, but I will say the day after... number 7 will be a sleep in my lap. Can't figure out how to post pics on this quick reply, but I'd like to show him to you. Thanks for this thread.
You have been a good owner 2fine 8) 12 years old is a good long life for a boxer. I wish I could see Bullit 8)

here is Buddy at 9 weeks old.


Great thread memike :-D

Buddy sure looks like he's content at his home on the hill. I did not know that Boxer breeds have a short life span......that sucks. :hmph:

I think we can add Macadamia nuts to the list of toxic foods for dogs too. I believe I've read that before. :read2:

As far as fillers in dog food go, I've been told corn is about the worst. Just think about what happens when humans eat corn...LOL ;-)
We feed our dogs frozen Bil-Jac. Bil·Jac is made with fresh meat for wholesome, natural protein. INGREDIENTS Beef, Meat By-Products, Cereal Food Fines, Poultry, Poultry Meal, Animal Liver, Fish Meal, Eggs, Cane Molasses, Dried Beet Pulp, Wheat Germ Meal, Brewers Dried Yeast, Phosphoric Acid, Vitamin A Acetate, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Vitamin E Supplement, Riboflavin Supplement, Salt, Niacin, Biotin, Choline Chloride, Folic Acid, Thiamine Mononitrate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6), DL-Methionine, Vitamin B12 Supplement, D-Calcium Pantothenate, Manganous Oxide, Inositol, Ascorbic Acid, Ferrous Sulfate, Copper Sulfate, Zinc Oxide, Cobalt Carbonate, Potassium Oxide, Sodium Selenite You can buy at Krogers in the dog food section in the freezer. The rott can't eat anything else. If he does he pukes everywhere. Nothing like cleaning up puke at 2 in the morning. It has also helped with his ringworm. All your boxers are so cute. I want one so bad!!!
Never new that grapes are bad for dogs. My husky used to sit under the grape trelles and lay there pcking off the low hanging grapes almost daily. Wish I knew this back then. He had a severe skin rash that always required meds. I don't think it was from the grapes since he had the problem before the grape eating. Thanks for the info. Great thread for pet owners.:cheers:
You gotta love the Box!
I think we will always have one in our life.

Remmy 003.jpg
My shepard can't eat ham. She'll puke every time, gets the trots real bad. Table scraps in general seem to set her off, so this is off her diet. She also developed a habit of licking her paw till it became raw. Vet gave some anti-itching meds and this is clearing up. All this from a dog who used to eat rotted birds she would find in the bush! Once she ate a box of school fund raiser chocolate bars my son had brought home from school. No obvious bad effects, but my wallet was $60 lighter.