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  1. Dartfreak75

    Minivans are the ideal vehicle, except when they are not

    I had a 99 plymouth voyager i loved that thing used it just like a truck. The seats would come out and had the whole back open. It was pretty cool. i hauled plywood, firewood, deer, square bales you name it in it. Then put the seats back in it and haul the kids around!
  2. Dartfreak75

    Fall Is Coming

    And I love it!! Its my favorite time of year!
  3. Dartfreak75

    about the dumbest thing ive done in a while

    I wouldn't think it would be to much different than studded tires. I've seen them dirt bike guys on ice with 2 inch long spikes throwing ice. Maybe the ice is thicker tho? I've never put chains on an atv but it sure sounds like fun lol probably a good idea to take the chains off on the ice while...
  4. Dartfreak75

    Well lookie who just showed up

    I remember that video. That was the first video of UTG I ever watched. I use to watch his channel loyally now I just drop in from time to time I still really enjoy most of his stuff.
  5. Dartfreak75

    We all grew up hearing this.

    That is really cool I never knew that. I always knew you were a little off dang foreigner! Haha just kidding. But seriously that is really cool
  6. Dartfreak75

    We all grew up hearing this.

    I did not know that you where Dutch. Where are you from originally?
  7. Dartfreak75

    We all grew up hearing this.

    Never heard that one
  8. Dartfreak75

    We all grew up hearing this.

    My mom says "little pitchers have big ears" all the time I never knew what it ment till I had kids haha
  9. Dartfreak75

    "restore engine bay"

    The interior makes up for it tho! That's clean! I'd paint that engine bay to match the body In a weekend!
  10. Dartfreak75

    name that member

    @ Which one is you left or right? When I first saw that I was thinking coastguard gauge. Lol
  11. Dartfreak75

    name that member

    I ment the one that rani posted. Sorry I wasn't clear lol
  12. Dartfreak75

    name that member

    Did anyone ever get @Princess Valiant clue? I don't see the correct answer yet?
  13. Dartfreak75

    name that member

    That is a very good one for me I love that lol good job!
  14. Dartfreak75

    name that member

    I know its mopar mat but please explain i don't get this one at all lol
  15. Dartfreak75

    name that member

    You got it!
  16. Dartfreak75

    name that member

    This may be easy or it may be hard idk lol
  17. Dartfreak75

    name that member

    Hemi outlaw? @Hemioutlaw
  18. Dartfreak75

    name that member

  19. Dartfreak75

    I was "318", when 318 wasn't cool......

    I like 318s they have a ton of potential for cheap and are everywhere easy to find and cheap. I have 3 360s 4 if you count the one in my dart but my next build is gonna be a mean 318!
  20. Dartfreak75

    I was "318", when 318 wasn't cool......

    Clearly you know very little about a 318 if you think they are unique vs the other la engines. They share pretty much everything except bore size with the 340!
  21. Dartfreak75

    Farmer Friend..

    Yea thats a great one!! Awesome song thanks for posting that!
  22. Dartfreak75

    Farmer Friend..

    Bahahahahaha :rofl:
  23. Dartfreak75

    Add Your Own Caption Part 7

    Its not for sale, im gonna fix it someday!
  24. Dartfreak75

    Have it your Way

    Lol now that's my kind of humor! Thats funny! Haha
  25. Dartfreak75

    Bernie Say's...

    You and me both. I hadn't been on Facebook since back before Christmas. I got on today to look up something on marketplace and saw where one of my really good friends from high school passed away! Ruined my whole day, been sad ever since. I hadn't seen the guy in person in over 20 years.
  26. Dartfreak75

    Bernie Say's...

    I chose to separate myself from the political madness this day and age. I guess that's why I don't get it. To me Bernie hasn't been relevant since he ran for office in 2016 lol