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  1. JDMopar

    Questions ....

    <------ Answer to question # 1. :lol:
  2. JDMopar

    You’re gotta poke your eye out son.

    Looks like she got shot in the back with 2 rockets! :lol:
  3. JDMopar

    Cat lover looking for love

    There, I fixed it for
  4. JDMopar

    Cat lover looking for love

    Wow! Looks like Omar the tent maker now offers a 2 piece gikini! :eek:
  5. JDMopar

    He was a smart little guy with a feather touch

    My wife says I'm They're rats!! :mad: I made this rat rig. Small bucket, put 4 or 5 " of water in the bottom. There is a wire tied across the top, with an old sewing thread spool in the middle that rolls on the wire. Long paint paddle for a gangplank up to the edge of the bucket...
  6. JDMopar

    Insensitive observation

    It would have all evened out if you'd shot him a bird....and he turned around and told you to go stick your finger in a Dyke! :rofl: Then you could have gotten a sticker that says "Stop Dutch hate" :poke:
  7. JDMopar

    Happy Meal prize.

    She's so big......she's got two smaller women in orbit around her! :eek:
  8. JDMopar

    Happy Meal prize.

    Is that Mama June or Honey Boo Boo? :rofl:
  9. JDMopar

    Hot Mopar Babes III

    It is now....but back when that pic was taken, she was still a kitten! :)
  10. JDMopar

    Every once in awhile you have to say

    Good for him. Tell him to see all he can see while he's there....and Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona Memorial are must not miss!
  11. JDMopar

    Every once in awhile you have to say

    European license plates on the cars, so there's one more reason that reinforces my lack of desire to ever go to Due to the lack of a barfing emoji here, let me just say.....BUICK & RALPH!!! :realcrazy: :wtf:
  12. JDMopar

    Back when you had to stop and ask for directions.

    Wow, what nice ladies. One was kind enough to give directions and her friend was directing traffic to keep someone from hitting the poor lost gentleman's truck. Hard to find gals like that anymore! :lol:
  13. JDMopar

    She is 2 today....

    Happy Birthday young lady! If she's like all of our dogs have been, it's her house.....y'all are just livin in it! :thumbsup:
  14. JDMopar

    My Luck

    I kinda get that, but who are the 2 dudes on the pillow? It's bound to be an old photo, because Argyle sweaters went out of style 50 years
  15. JDMopar

    My Luck

    Let me put it another way......I don't get it! :wtf:
  16. JDMopar


    Mike....I told Siri I needed a wock to throw at a wabbit, and she showed me pictures of big ol pans! :elmer: :rofl:
  17. JDMopar


    My iPhone was apparently made by Yankee's. It doesn't understand my Appalachian American accent! :realcrazy:
  18. JDMopar

    My Luck

    A little help for a guy who lives where there are no ice rinks....let alone hockey teams? LOL
  19. JDMopar

    Sheer Panic--No Brakes!

    If her phone was in her hand, she was probably on Facebook. :thumbsup:
  20. JDMopar

    drag racing

    My sister-in-law has a Weiner dog named Ruby. Every time I see her, I say "Therrrre's Ruby, 2008 winner of the Weiner Dog Nationals!" She is normally a pretty calm old gal, but when I say that to her she jumps around and gets the zoomies....just like she knows what I said. LOL
  21. JDMopar

    Mommy Mommy jokes

    Mommy Mommy! Can little Johnny come out and play baseball? Honey, you know little Johnny doesn't have any arms or legs. We know.....we're gonna use him for 2nd base! :eek:
  22. JDMopar

    Hot Mopar Babes III

    I wanted to hit Agree because of what it says on her shirt. I'd have been in TROUBLE, probably with her
  23. JDMopar

    Hot Mopar Babes III

    If I could, I would have hit Like & Agree on this :thumbsup:
  24. JDMopar

    A Special Walmart Picture for Pittsburgh Racer (PBR)

    Dang....if that thing was in the ocean, it would have 4 or 5 Greenpeace boats circling to protect it!!
  25. JDMopar

    Did you ever lose a sock in a dryer

    Every man on the face of the earth owes the person who invented yoga pants a dollar! :eek:
  26. JDMopar

    Physics Question of the Day

    If the rocks cracked the concrete or tore the liner at the bottom of the pool, water level went WAY down. If no damage to bottom of the pool, the water level went down slightly from when the rocks were in the boat.
  27. JDMopar

    Traffic vs road hazards

    Wow....the plumbing work must be slow! :rofl:
  28. JDMopar

    The stupidity of Facebook

    I don't know for sure, but I just use that to refuel my hate for Facebook! :rofl:
  29. JDMopar

    The stupidity of Facebook

    I can't even begin to tell you how many women I've had to blow the horn at while sitting behind them at a red light. Sitting there fooling with Farcebook and no clue the light turned green 10 seconds ago! :BangHead:
  30. JDMopar

    You don’t have to be lonely

    53 views before I looked....and no comments. Dang, John....they've gone to giving you the silent treatment now! :realcrazy: :rofl: