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  1. 9teen7tSwinger

    What party are you

    Republican/Redneck Ruger .45 ACP
  2. 9teen7tSwinger

    police dog

    Funniest damn thing I ever read. Forwarded it to the wife... she is a red head. She didn't think it was as funny...
  3. 9teen7tSwinger

    Newfie Pride

    Stop being nice. Being that a platoon is on average 3 squads equaling 30-60 men. I say we could take them with half.
  4. 9teen7tSwinger

    Five Minute Management Course

    I've heard the first one before... but it was him giving her a little here and a little there to see more and more... still funny though.
  5. 9teen7tSwinger

    Boy put in dog cage after spiking drinks

    Yeah that or... the kid is retarded. He is poisoning them to get back at them cuz he didn't get to go on a vacation...
  6. 9teen7tSwinger

    Bear Boxing whole thing. ending stupid but video still funny.
  7. 9teen7tSwinger

    The New Darwin Awards

    There is a few out of the gene pool we don't have to worry about.
  8. 9teen7tSwinger

    Irish Nursing Home

    That's funny, that's really funny.
  9. 9teen7tSwinger

    Rodeo Bull

    ROFLMAO.... Hilarious. I told the wife, she hit me, and hasn't spoken to me in 2 hours. Still funny though.
  10. 9teen7tSwinger

    If you are 30 or older, you will think this is

    Back up... I am only 22 (soon 23) and I had a lot of the before mentioned. 30 years old might be pushing it a little. I will shoot for 25 ish...
  11. 9teen7tSwinger

    Strip Club

    Oooo.... Tough luck. Good thing I disguise myself and use fake information...
  12. 9teen7tSwinger

    10 things...

    Fur...disgusting. she's more like a naked mole rat... smooth.
  13. 9teen7tSwinger

    Diary of a Minnesota winter

    1/2 over my ***! South Dakota has winter for 8 months and construction the other 4 mths. Damn snow and cold. High yesterday was -3... -38 wind chill.
  14. 9teen7tSwinger

    Classic guy tale !!

    My eyes are watering...