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  1. Brian

    Non Mopars on For A Bodies Only

    This is a great site and has given me a lot of information and motivation to get working on my car. I used to have a 67 Dart, until I got run over by an 18-wheeler on the expressway. Now I have a 72' Charger (Note: not a A body) and still get valuable information from experienced and...
  2. Brian

    Speeding Ticket

    Thanks for everyones replies. Here is something to think about: Auto insurance companies fund and or supply police departments with radar guns, not to make sure that everyone is driving at a safe speed, but to generate revenue by increasing your insurance rates dramatically after you get a...
  3. Brian

    Speeding Ticket

    I recieved a speeding ticket yesterday (63mph in a 45 mph zone). Has anyone successfully fought a speeding ticket and won even if they were totally guilty? I see all of these "fight your speeding ticket and win" websites for $20-$30 and was wondering if they are a scam or if they really work? Am...