Search results for query: *

  1. RogerK

    Looking for Ronald Rothman

    I figured I'd start with FABO and Google next. Thanks!
  2. RogerK

    Looking for Ronald Rothman

    Hey all, I met Ron at Carlisle this year and forgot to get his contact info. He's from New Jersey and has a 1966 Barracuda with a 392 Hemi stuffed in it. If you know him please ask him if he can get in contact with me. (here are some photos of his car) Thanks. Roger K.
  3. RogerK

    Thanking a member

    I'm having trouble with this. I have all the fields filled out correctly but I keep getting an error. The following errors occurred with your submission: There was an error in your deal details! I don't get it.
  4. RogerK

    Ehhhh........yall gotta see this.

    This is one of those "Because you can" things. Its different, I'll say that. A true hot rodder IMHO. :thumrigh:
  5. RogerK

    Add your own Caption 108

    " If you don't lay down on the neatly spread blanket, the breath-o-meter 1000 won't work."
  6. RogerK

    Photos in Threads

    OK, one of my pet peeves kicked in scrolling through a thread where the photos were HUGE! :oops: :wack: :banghead: Its not hard to easily re-size photos to smaller ones that play well in the forum. My "GO-TO" simple tool is Pixresizer. I've used it in Windows XP, 7 & 8/8.1. The link goes to...
  7. RogerK

    iTrader feedback issue

    I'm trying to leave some positive feedback for a part I purchased but I keep getting the message below. "The following errors occurred with your submission: 1. There was an error in your deal details!" I filled out all the fields including the thread url. Any ideas?
  8. RogerK

    How many members can currently afford to work on their project car?

    I really can't afford a good paint job right now and I really need to finish the body work for that to happen so it stays in primer for now. Other than that I'll do a few side jobs for cash for the car and I've sold some parts lately to fund my current upgrade. I feel fortunate to have a...
  9. RogerK

    Shooting at a local school

    I've been getting bits and pieces of this all day and I'm home now thinking there just wasn't any words. I'm just numb thinking about this. My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to the parents who lost an innocent child to a mad man today.
  10. RogerK

    where do you work at?

    I was an ASE master tech for 13 years before putting myself through school for computer systems. Now I am the IT Department manager for a local municipality.
  11. RogerK

    Who is serious about BBQ?

    There are 1/2" air holes on the side and in the back near the bottom that feed it just enough and if I need more air I just open the door to the firebox a little. it will stay at 250 to 275 all day. What you don't see is above the firebox, below the cooking area is a grate welded inside with...
  12. RogerK

    Who is serious about BBQ?

    Serious enough to build my own smoker. The wife likes the smoked turkeys, after we pull the meat off we boil the carcass for smoked turkey stock. Ribs and pulled pork are my favorite. I have two big racks of beef ribs in the freezer just waiting for the right weekend! If ya show up, bring the...
  13. RogerK

    mopar car clubs

    I started a car club over 10 years ago using the internet as a means to reach people that have 1960 to 66 Valiants and 64 to 66 Barracudas. That was my interest so I wanted to keep it small and personal. We tried to organize local meets, run a newsletter and organize other events. We were just...
  14. RogerK

    1964 to 1966 Barracuda Registry

    C'mon people! I know there are those of you who have a few early Barracudas just sitting behind your garage or in your lot collecting dust that you are in the process of parting out or "gonna fix'er someday". Lets get them in the registry! :hello1: Even the ones you know have been parted and...
  15. RogerK

    1964 to 1966 Barracuda Registry

    The Registry is filling up nicely. If you haven't yet considered entering your car, I hope you would. The more people who do will help us get a better idea of how many cars are still around world wide. Most of the information is optional with only car specific data being required for the...
  16. RogerK

    1964 to 1966 Barracuda Registry

    The shark attack is the default server error page. I tweaked the database where I believe the problem is. When you get a chance, try it again. Were you using Internet Explorer or Firefox?
  17. RogerK

    1964 to 1966 Barracuda Registry

    Hey All FABO Folks! I just put the finishing touches on a simple 1964 to 1966 Barracuda Registry so we can track how many cars are still around on our planet as well as those who gave their parts so others can ride again. Please take a look and register any Early Barracuda you have. You can...
  18. RogerK

    We have censorship

    What Dan said. Remember the country group The Dixie Chicks? Need I say more. Learn when and where certian comments are appropriate and your life and career will be just fine. and I just farted. Oh God! Get the spray! :sad2:
  19. RogerK

    The Mannix Car

    The Mannix Dart was at Carlisle in 2008 set up in the 1968 Retro Dealership. Pertty cool car. Subtle custom work.
  20. RogerK

    Adult Size Radio Flyer

    Yup, A full size wagon. Why didn't someone here think of this one?,0,1784245.story
  21. RogerK

    My dog is a serial killer!

    If your making that dog whisperer call let me know. My Dashound Gus has gotten 4 woodchucks this year along with multiple stuffed toys. "Elmo sad. elmo needs a new leg!"
  22. RogerK

    Where were you on 9/11/01

    I was working at a Nissan dealership and first heard it on the radio. We went into the customer lounge to check it out. It was then when we watched live, the second plane fly into the second World Trade Center building. Thats when we knew it was no accident, we were under attack.
  23. RogerK

    Spare Parts + Elbow Grease = Hat Rack

    I was cleaning up the garage today and had no place to put my hats so I came across a leftover section of handrail and some spare interior handles and Voila! Now I have to rearrange things on that wall. Oh well. :happy3:
  24. RogerK

    I'm a Grandpa!!

    You got that right, Small Block. Grandpa will teach her to be a lady, but also thats it's ok to have fun too. Thanks everyone. She is more beautiful today then Saturday. I suspect that trend will continue!
  25. RogerK

    I'm a Grandpa!!

    Thats the plan, Memike! Maybe I can get 4 or 5 of those cuda signs about 6" across and you could make a crib mobile for me! Thanks everyone. I just got back from the hospital. What a cute little bundle. Her mother looks good for someone who, as she put it, "Just deflated"! All is well and...
  26. RogerK

    I'm a Grandpa!!

    My Step daughter Karen just gave birth to my first grandchild, Riley Ann, 7 Lbs, 4 Oz. Both Mother and Daughter are doing very good. The Father is doing ok too. I talked to her about 2 hours after delivery and she sounded good and happy. There were no problems or complications. I AM SO HAPPY...
  27. RogerK

    Wife Found The Parts

    Amen to that! My wife has to tell me to buy parts for the car. "get what you need.' She tells me. She even found a mirror I was looking for at Carlisle last year, she was out in the swapmeet area with one of the other wifes and I got a phone call, "Come to this row this space, I found your...
  28. RogerK

    DR Mopar Closing - Crushing Inventory

    This is really sad news. From their website... Attention: We will be closing out and crushing our inventory September 2010, If you need any parts be sure to e-mail us soon. Thanks to all our loyal customers who have supported us for the last 15 years and who helped keep the Mopar hobby alive...
  29. RogerK

    I,m not cheap i,m broke

    8)I joined FABO after visiting for a year. I joined because the people here are just like the people in my Club. They are mostely caring and giving people. People can participate in many ways, giving money is a small one. Most of the time its the advice and technicial know-how that has the...
  30. RogerK

    Must Read - Not Just For Independence Day

    Today, like every other day since I put my fathers flagpole up on my front lawn, the first thing I did was raise Old Glory up. My father served, two of my uncles served, three of my cousins served and I served. We all came home without needing to be in harms way for too long of a time. From...