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  1. sickandwrongcustoms

    Why take photos? LOL

    i miss it so badly i love that place
  2. sickandwrongcustoms

    Confucius Say

    Man who stands on toilet Is high on pot
  3. sickandwrongcustoms

    Confucius Say

    Man who fishes in other mans pond Is bound to catch crabs
  4. sickandwrongcustoms

    A cow, an ant, and an old fart...

    i am the belly says -------------------------------------P---------------------------- ----------------------------------O----A-------------------------- ------------------------------- M---------R------------------------
  5. sickandwrongcustoms


    that is the way it is.
  6. sickandwrongcustoms

    Its acomin

    yes oh hell yes.can i play too
  7. sickandwrongcustoms

    Mama helps the honeymooners

    now what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. sickandwrongcustoms

    Sleeping in church

    that by far the best $h!t you"ve put on here that i have read i was cring and my side is really hurting
  9. sickandwrongcustoms

    Keep the change

    oh yea that right forgot about the random 100.00 bills women seem to always want to give me.
  10. sickandwrongcustoms

    Keep the change

    mine just askes for more
  11. sickandwrongcustoms

    A lesson in manners

    yea that boy got has got his act together.
  12. sickandwrongcustoms

    Bonehead move of the day....

    i know of things that dont help......... wheres the we go again. found the lighter. cant win.
  13. sickandwrongcustoms

    Dear Abby

    get a wife that would like to go fishing with sam. its better that way. everyones happy.sam is the happist of everyone there. make your married life complete............ get a sam
  14. sickandwrongcustoms

    Unauthorized activity...(LONG but worth the read)

    funny funny funny. i love some dam beavers. they are really fun at night
  15. sickandwrongcustoms

    Politically Incorrect

    now i am feelin some much better
  16. sickandwrongcustoms

    Vocabulary Lesson

    that was some funny $h!t. my side is hurtin now