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  1. Ben Drinkin

    .08 BAC

    Who was the genius that decided .08 was the threshold to trash someone's life? Some people at .08 are near normal functioning.. Some people at .02 shouldn't be allowed out in public.. I always thought it was about one's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle, not just a money grab...
  2. Ben Drinkin

    Happy Birthday Big Dummy

    Keep on truckin!!!
  3. Ben Drinkin

    Took my girl for ride.

  4. Ben Drinkin

    breaking news!

    It's raining in West Texas! Every news meteorologist has a woodie! Local tv broadcasts are interrupted. . If you don't absolutely have to leave your house don't!
  5. Ben Drinkin

    A big thank you

    I wanna send a big thank you out to gracious individual who "Gold Membered" me. I really appreciate it. This site is packed with some wonderful people..