1974 Duster

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thankx Sleep OEM I going to check that one out. i was looking at the pictures its kind of hard to see somethings because it looks like they take them at night. so it kind of dark.
is that for real? good deal -- if anything close to the pictures-- around here they want 3500k for much worse projects . Lawrence
I agree , My only concern is ohio get snow and uses salt and sand mix I think so it is not like the cars you find down south . so they may be some rust under the car as well. I sent the guy an e-mail hoping to see more pictures plus dont you think it is kind of strange that they pictures kind of looklike they were taken at night? I'm just saying. plus that passenger fender look like it got hit . maybe it just the picture.
Well I e-mailed the guy through craiges list e-mail that was provided I also called the phone number twice that was given in the posting and left messages asking if the car was still forsale and to see if they have better pictures of the fender and quarter panel etc. and so far no one has returned my call. so I don't know if it has been sold or whats going on with it.:? ](*,)
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