After renewing/painting my Rallye Wheels, two flat tires.



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
Reaction score
La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
Removed most of the rust, and painted my rallye wheels inside and out. Mounted two Sears Guardsman tires and had them balanced. A week later, driver's side front tire is flat. Scratch up the freshly painted rim a little trying to fix it. The tire tech found a small white sticker on the tire bead that caused the problem.

A week after repairing the driver's side tire, I find the passenger side front tire going flat. Same thing, dunk the tire in a pool of water, and find the #$%% sticker on the bead is the guilty party on the second tire also. My time, my money, my frustration due to a little white sticker that, in my opinion, has no reason being there in the first place.

Dealer says, ‘Move those barcodes!’ - Modern Tire Dealer
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Removed most of the rust, and painted my rallye wheels inside and out. Mounted two Sears Guardsman tires and had them balanced. A week later, driver's side front tire is flat. Scratch up the freshly painted rim a little trying to fix it. The tire tech found a small white sticker on the tire bead that caused the problem.

A week after repairing the driver's side tire, I find the passenger side front tire going flat. Same thing, dunk the tire in a pool of water, and find the #$%% sticker on the bead is the guilty party on the second tire also. My time, my money, my frustration due to a little white sticker that, in my opinion, has no reason being there in the first place.

Dealer says, ‘Move those barcodes!’ - Modern Tire Dealer
Yep, been a problem for some brands since they started doing it, and those of Us in the industry dealing with it have never gotten an apology or a rational explanation as
to WTF they were thinking. Answer, They weren't and don't give a F#*k cause They aren't the ones dealing with it. I look at them & if they are proud on the bead I dig up
an edge & peel 'em off, if they're flush I leave 'em, what a freakin' PITA, luckily most brands Our dealer uses aren't a problem........................
There's not a tire tech on earth that should knowingly leave those in place. Shame on manufacturers for doing it in the first place!
There's not a tire tech on earth that should knowingly leave those in place. Shame on manufacturers for doing it in the first place!

There shouldn't be a tire tech that should not be able to balance a tire either, but they are out there.
Another flat today caused by a stupid sticker left on the bead of a Michelin tire on my 1996 Dakota (I purchased tire new five years ago and its about half worn).
This is the fault of those mounting the tires.

Whenever I repaint Rallye wheels I put the wheels in a blast cabinet and clean the area where the tire seals. But mounting the tires over the stickers is just automotive malpractice.
This is the fault of those mounting the tires.

Whenever I repaint Rallye wheels I put the wheels in a blast cabinet and clean the area where the tire seals. But mounting the tires over the stickers is just automotive malpractice.

And is why NOBODY touches ANYTHING on my car except to balance the tires after I put them on the rims myself.
AND they even F that up sometimes.
Normally, when a tire goes flat there's a leak.