Anyone else watch?



Sometimes I pretend to be normal
Oct 21, 2012
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Uvita, Costa Rica
Anyone else out there watch American Horror Story?

I have never caught a episode, but around xmas time Target had a great deal on season 1 ($9.99). Well I have finally had time to sit down and start watching it. Im only on the 3rd episode. I have to say that Im intrigued by it. I dont know what to think honestly. Im creeped out, scared, curious, confused and loving it! I cant wait to watch the next episode!!!

Here is what I do know. Each season is different than the rest. The first season is called Murder House. The second season is called Asylum. The third season is called the Coven. They all have the same actors/actresses.

Being only 3 episodes into the first season I already want to watch the next 2 seasons. So just curious if anyone else out there watches this show and your thoughts?
Seriously, no one else watches this show? Kinda surprises me but oh well. Just thought I would toss it out there if anyone else likes these kind of shows, its well worth watching it!
I've watched every season since season 1. It's a crazy show and I definitely enjoy as well.
I received it for Christmas. My wife and I only have watched two episodes so far. Not sure if we'll continue. What a weird show.

If you like it, go for it!
Give it a chance, I was still unsure after 2 episodes also. Im on disc 2 now and I like each episode and cant wait for the next. I agree its different but things start tying together around the 3rd episode.

If you still dont like it I totally understand. Its not everyones cup of tea.