Anyone make '75-'76 A Body Bucket Seat Foams?



My car stole my wallet!
Jul 10, 2006
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50 Miles from the middle
I have a set of bucket seats out of a '75-'76 A-body that I am getting ready to recover. Does anyone know if the seat foam is available for them? I know it is for the '70-'71 seats but...

Any help?
So... The '70-'71 Foam fits the '75-'76 seat frame? If that is the case then I could just get away with using a set of '70 or '71 seat covers right?
nope the seat backs had changed from hard backs to soft backs in 73
As far as I know, the foam should be the same, but the seat covers different. 70-72 had hard backs......73-76 had vinyl

Check Legendary's website
As far as I know, the foam should be the same, but the seat covers different. 70-72 had hard backs......73-76 had vinyl

Check Legendary's website

derrrrrrrrrr hahah nice catch 6pk tottaly forgott about the seat backs my dumb mistake sorry sir
How do the seat backs effect the seats? Could I get the '70 seat foam, '70 seat cover, black '70 seat backs and put together my own seats? Or are there other parts that I would need? I wish I could set my seat next to a '70-'71 and go over them with a fine tooth comb.
The 70-71 seats had a push button for the seat lock that was made into hard back/hinge cover area.