Bear Hunting



Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
South Boston,VA
I stole this from another web site.
Frank got a new rifle for Christmas and wanted to try it out so he planned a bear hunting trip to Alaska. After a couple of days of tracking he finds a black bear and shoots it killing it in one shot. While he is standing over his kill feeling all proud of himself he gets a tap on his shoulder. He turns around and there stands a large brown bear. The bear says to Frank, You know that was my cousin you just shot now I have to get my revenge. We're either going to have sex or I will have to maul you to death. Frank, not wanting to die agrees to the sex. After a week or so of healing and thinking, he gets so mad he decides to return to Alaska and get his revenge. He finally finds the brown bear and dispatches him with the same accuracy as the he did the black bear. Once again he is standing over his kill and gets another tap on the shoulder, he turns around and there stands a huge grizzly. The grizzly gives him the same choices as the brown bear, sex or death. Frank just can't bring himself to choose death so he agrees to the sex. Three or four months of healing up go by and the more he thinks about it the madder he gets so he takes another trip to Alaska to get rid of the grizzly. He tracks the grizzly down and puts one right between the eyes, Frank is beside himself with happiness now that he has finally gotten rid of the bears that had taken advantage of him, when all of a sudden he gets another tap on the shoulder, he turns around and there stands a huge polar bear! The polar bear looks down at him and shakes his head and says Frank, I need to ask you a question and I want you to be truthful with me, you don't really come up here for the hunting do you?