[WANTED] Brewer cast intake

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some background on that might be helpful in locating one. asked an individual here in las cruces who has restored 68 - 70 B and 70 - 74 E for quite some time, and he had not heard of them. in all fairness much of his work is exhaust, repairs for customers, and his restorations have been purely stock and not in the stratosphere - i.e. no six packs or hemi cars to the best of my knowledge.
it would be a cast intake from Fred Brewer for his heads that he cast, out of production for about 15 years. they are a raised port head that flowed extremely well. the are referred to as FBS heads sometimes the FBS stands for Fred Brewer Sales. a lot of these heads where run with sheet metal intakes, but I am looking for the single carb cast intake.
found Brewer Performance, on the google search, it is a Mopar speciality speed shop based in Laura, OH, that began in 1981 selling used parts.
found Brewer Performance, on the google search, it is a Mopar speciality speed shop based in Laura, OH, that began in 1981 selling used parts.

Fred Brewer is out of Oklahoma, I spoke with him last week. He does not have any intakes left. So I am still looking
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