Cleaning supplies



Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2009
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I just spent the last couple of days detailing my 71 Demon
for my first show of the year.I opened my cleaning supply
cabinet and it's full of stuff I don't like and use.As I'm old
school I've tried alot of the new stuff and fall back on
turtle wax staying away from tight spots then going over
with turtle wax ICE detailer.Just wondering what others
use and if you have alot of cleaners/wax not used
i had a Corbin seat on a motorcycle years ago. Corbin sent instructions on its care and for a change I read them. Basically said not to use petroleum products for cleaning the seat cover as the petroleum will cause the cover to dry out. Of course I knew better and used Armor All on the sides of the seat to keep it new looking, 3 AZ summers and the seat cover was done. Sent it back and had it recovered and this time listened to them, this time after 3 years the seat looked brand new.
I wonder why the heck Armor-All does that? I noticed on many things I used armor all on, it just destroys it after a couple years...They need to reformulate their product. lol
I wonder why the heck Armor-All does that? I noticed on many things I used armor all on, it just destroys it after a couple years...They need to reformulate their product. lol
Corbin explained it to me but other than it is because Armor All is petroleum based I do not remember. a friend had a seat recovered by a local shop and they told him to use Pledge on it:dontknow: