dash help!



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
I have an annoying problem. My left turn signal indicator on the dash (every thing outside works great) isn't working. It worked fine until the other day when I replaced the wiper pivot seals. I didn't notice it wasn't working until a couple days ago. I replaced the seals 2 weeks ago. I also have the left side of my dash lamps out. The right side lights up, left no. That has been going on for a while. I took a picture and I noticed that the printed circuit board has a spot on it, think this might be my problem?
I also have a connector hanging lose, I think it is for the EGR service light, that I don't have, so it's just a dud.
Any Ideas will be welcome! I know it's petty, but I would like it fixed.
also, there is a yellow electric device in the first picture, it is partially blocked, any idea what that is? it was unplugged, I plugged it back and hoped nothing would explode. so far nothing good or bad has happened.


Can you put a test light on that strip? Do you have power from one side to the other?
The board is still in the dash and I'm not exactly a little guy. I can only get 1 hand up there at a time. If it weren't for a camera, I wouldn't have a clue as to what that looked like.
Soldering it will be impossible without taking the dash out. testing will be tough with one hand.
I was kinda hoping someone would pipe up with "I had that happen and ......"
I now know what the yellow thing is. It lights up the "Fasten seat belt" light. That mystery at least is solved.