Good guy alert ( 7071DartGTReg )



Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
MI 49203
Some of you may have seen my thread where I was a little ticked off with the way things had been going for me and my family lately financially and the last thing that pushed me over the edge that made me decide to do a little rant.

and it wasnt meant in a "poor me" type of a way, it was just me letting off some steam from the way things have been going.

well Bruce got with me and refused to take no for an answer and sent me a couple of bucks just so I could put a little gas in my wifes gas gusseling durango and stop at the drive through or something and grab a bite to eat for our little guy.

now, to some that may not sound like much but to us right now it is.....and knowing Bruce could have easily looked at my thread and thought nothing more of it but yet still wanted to reach out a helping hand means alot to my family and I.

I couldnt let what he did go unnoticed so please everyone (if you didnt already know) know that Bruce is one heck of a guy!.

After words I decided to give Bruce a call to say thanks and what not and we talked for almost an hour and he really is a super great person and I am glad to be able to call him one of my friends. I know he has not had things the easiest lately but I am rooting for him and hoping things start looking up for him.

It was good talking Mopar,Fabo,Life and so on with you Bruce. Like I said ,you have got my number and email if you ever want to chat.

Here is a link to the thread I originally made-
Bruce is a great guy, So is just about ever member on this site, Very caring and all ways helping others. If you eve need to ***** about life hit me. I know were your coming from.
Bruce is a great guy, So is just about ever member on this site, Very caring and all ways helping others. If you eve need to ***** about life hit me. I know were your coming from.

Very true Adam, I have meant so many good people here on FABO and it really gives you that sense of "family".

Hey if you ever need to rant your more than welcome to rant at me too lol.