HELP! Need some parts...



Legandary Member
Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Does anyone have a pair (Left & Right) of INNER tail light lenses for a `68 Barracuda? These are the little square columns that seperate the tail light illumination from the reverse light lenses. Please PM me if you can help! :thumbup:
I think you posted this in the wrong forum.

Wow... If we ever vote for moderators I think FLYBOY01 should be nominated! Good job catching my deliberate mis-posting. Being a longtime member I just wanted to make sure you guys are on top of things!

BTW: A HUGE thank you to all the people whom responded in the wrong forum. My parts are on their way from west Virginia as we speak. Or is that TYPE?

I don't wanna post the wrong thing. :thumbup:
I wasn't bustin ya ballz, just thought you might get a few more responses in the wanted forum.
Members Restorations Forum

My idea for this forum was for members to keep a running journal of the restoration of there car. This means each member should only start one thread here. For example. AdamRs Scamp, I started the thread and keep updating my progress. Also see RumbleFish's Duster for a good example.

You should only have more then one thread here if you are building more then one car.

Please do not post questions here unless they are with in your Resto thread.

I have been moving and merging threads so if you posted something here and you can not find it try the search function or PM me. :thumbup:

But since obviously didn't read this, here ya go. :thumbup:
But since obviously didn't read this......

Again, I vote FLYBOY01 be a moderator! Man, your on top of things!

Thank you... :thumbup:

But back to reality..... I posted it in the restorations section figuring it wouldn't matter and it would be initially read on the home page, which is where all the new topics go away, regardless of the forum.... and people would (and did...) see it. This is the same reason why I post Cuda Capers updates with the DATE so people will know there's something new to read, instead of lumping it in with a previous post that might not be read. In the past Adam would PM me to let me know when he would combine previous posts for me.

And BTW: Over at MoParts there's guys who probably loose sleep tracking posts and forums. PLEASE don't let this happen here. I've been a member since there were less than 200 of us... let's keep it friendly and informal.

Although, technically, this reply should be in either WEBSITE HELP / SUGGESTIONS or GENERAL DISCUSSION :scratch:

Have a great weekend. I'm going to get happy screwing together my Metal Mistress. Pictures to follow, naturally, in the correct forum.:lol: