^% Interior Color Codes?



Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2012
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I 'm having some trouble in determining the correct color of my 65 Barracuda interior. I've been doing a lot of searching but I can't seem the interior code for that year. My interior is a light blue color and Ledendary Interior sent me a vinyl sample that matches pretty well and they call it Light Blue Metalic #104. Can anyone help find the correct color code so get a paint to match?
If all else fails take your glove box door to a good paint supplier and have them scan the inside of it. That is the best place to get a correct color match that I know of and you can carry it in.
If your car has the original body code plate (aka fender tag) it will be there under the "TRM" mark. The other place the interior trim code can be found is on the build sheet. I don't have 65 data but for 66 a B or D are valid codes for a blue interior.

For body paint, look for the codes under the PNT mark. For the upper door frame paint, look for the UBS mark. The letter under the U will be the upper door frame paint code.