'Nother newbie here....



Hi all. MOPAR nut here. Born & bread. Currently "working on" a '67 barracuda. Have owned many other mopar's. Kewl site you have..... :thumblef:

Enjoy the addiction here! :drinkers: What river you on in Utah? Got pics of your 'Cuda? 2 '66's below we've been workin' on nearly 7 years, s-l-o-o-o-w-l-y. Never done, but who cares. :wack:

Double 'Cudas 004-25%.jpg
I live in Northeastern Utah. Town called Vernal. Here's some pic's don't laugh too hard.....


lancester wecome to the best site going.I'm jellous that is one fine barracuda.
the eng look's grate.I have a shop about the same size I have used for 17 year's.
Is that an a/c unit or exost or fress air unit.lookes like mine I just empty it out
then it is a grate paint booth.I know you will injoy this site we have it all.
Mike from Arkansas. :drinkers: :thumblef:
That `Cuda looks pretty sound overall, nothing to laugh about! Look at it like this: Most people don`t even have one. Welcome to the sickness!- Longgone