Pentastar Placement



Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2008
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Might be a dumb question,was looking at my 1972 Plymouth Twister and noticed it only has a gold pentastar on the passenger side fender.I checked drivers side and no evidence of any repairs or replacement of fender,it's original paint.Was this a factory error or were they done this way.I'm going to be doing a repaint soon and want to know if adding one to the drivers side is appropriate.Thank's in advance.
My Barracuda is the same way. Guess its like the Pittsburg Steelers helmets ... logo is only on one side.
I was watching them today and didn't even notice,mostly noticed Big Bens cleats.
The Pentastars were only on the passenger side near the bottom of the fender. '72 was the last year they were used.
Actually after 1972 Chrysler used these Pentastar's on the first model year of every car upto 2000. My 1995 Neon had one.

The history of the pentastar on the passenger side only is, when a car is parked along the side of the road, next to a curb, people could walk by and see the pentastar and know it was built by Chrysler. This idea was kept upto the year 2000. The pentastars have a specific measurement for every car they were placed on.

I found out about this info through the Walter P. Chrysler Museum. :)
