Search not working?!?!?!



Jack Of All Trades
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
Auburn, AL
The last few days I have searched for a few threads and it says sorry no matches or w/e. I have only been searching things like 440 or tti which I know have many threads. What's the deal, has anyone else had problems searching?
It will only do words. It will not do numbers or random letters. But if you put in "440 Motor" or "TTI headers" it will work.
I have to say, as great as this site is, my only complaint is the search. A lot of the things you look up are pretty random. Like if you look up "TTI Headers" "TTI" may show up, or just random threads about "headers". It would be a much more useful search engine if only the threads with the exact phrase you were looking for only showed up, or at least give you that option. I think you wouldn't have so many repeat threads if the search worked in that manner as well. Just my .02 cents.