Seat Holes



Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Nova Scotia

I am going from bench to bucket.

On the right side, The carpet is actually cut where the hole should be but don't feel a divot or plug where the original bucket holes should be.

I understand the all bodies were built the same and didn't drip out the sports that were not needed.

is there an indication on the floor pan or underneath where they should have gone or do I just measure/drill and hope I got it right :)

My cars have always had bucket seats so I'm not much help there. What I wanted to mention is that bucket seat cars have a metal reinforcement plate on the seat holes. You can buy them from aftermarket supplier's.
There is a dimple where the bucket seat holes should be.

You will need to reinforce the 2 inner holes on each side
with a steel plate welded in.

Under or inside of the car. I was just going slide an extra piece of metal Under the car but I am concerned about trapping water/grit/etc.. Perhaps just a square would work..I could order and for now use the ..we have had the car up for a few days and the driver is getting anxious..she doesn't like to be seen in Mom's Subaru :)

Pull the carpet you will see them, and use fender washers for reinforcements buy them at any hardware store and no they are not off of your fenders they are approx 1 1/2" dia for a 3/8" bolt and work perfect.

Should I be using a special type of bolt..or can I use a normal bolt from a local hardware store.

Tanks for the info.
There is a dimple where the bucket seat holes should be.

On the inside or underneath ? I don't have the car here at the moment.

On the inside

In the center of the large black circles


Support plates would go on the inside.
Check the heads of the originals see how many slashes are there,cant remember,any grade 5 or 8 should be fine though.

Under or inside of the car. I was just going slide an extra piece of metal Under the car but I am concerned about trapping water/grit/etc.. Perhaps just a square would work..I could order and for now use the ..we have had the car up for a few days and the driver is getting anxious..she doesn't like to be seen in Mom's Subaru :)

Ian, I see your question has already been answered. This site is lots of help.
It is :)

Other than a small hassle I have with on seat, I am amazed how quickly this has been..and I have be dreading this install for awhile.

Thanks all