Trying to put the windshield chrome back on - is this gasket right?



Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2017
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I bought the new windshield from AMD and the gasket from DMT. After a great fight getting it installed, I am now baffled at how so few pieces can totally baffle me on the installation. The FSM and the Barracuda supplement are useless for this. If anyone has any good photos of which parts go where, maybe with my photos it won't be so confusing.

But on to another issue. The attached photo of the red car shows an original windshield gasket (DMT website). The close-up photos of the gasket they sold me for a '67 Barracuda convertible have a tall "rib" that sticks up and a gap - almost looks like a lock strip gap. I am confused.

Question #1. Has any member used the DMT 1967 Barracuda convertible with the mylar lockstrip at the bottom (no metal). If so, what does yours look like? Photos, please.

Question #2. Is this the correct gasket? 3 hrs and $300 of professional labor makes me hope so.

Question #3. If this is correct, does my chrome trim go into the groove? IF not, does it go over or behind the tall "rib?'

Thanks for looking.

The bottom is locked in with the Mylar. My immediate problem is, “Is this the correct gasket for a ‘67 conv, windshield locked with the Mylar strip? How does the chrome trim fit with this gasket?”
Convertible gaskets and trim were the same for 67, 68 & 69 Barracudas and Darts.

I will take a picture of my convertible to help you see how it goes. Back soon.
Thanks. Gives me a bit more to work with. If it’s not too much to ask, would you open the for and take a photo of the chrome trim and the weather strip on the corner of the windshield-door interface and where the small chrome pieces at the end that turns dow the inside A pillar?
Thanks again,
THANKS! That helps a bunch! As soon as I get back from working tomorrow, if I’m not totally burned out, I will use the info and give it a try.
@mvh what color is your car?

Your photos look like my 67 dart.
I thought they were at first.
First of all, thanks to members here for info and photos. But geez - whoever dreamed up the gasket, weatherstripping and the chrome trim on the ‘67 Barracuda Convertible deserves to be slapped around. I got it on, but I’ll always see the inadequacies.

First of all, I think the gasket I bought must fit some other models better than a ‘67 B’cuda. Looking at photos, the new gasket is just different. On top of that, it has a “lip.”

And the trim - 14 shiny pieces and 30 screws, plus 2 weatherstrips. I think I’ve worked on 2000 piece jigsaw puzzles that gave me less grief. Absolute proof you can’t take too many photos during disassembly.

Just guesstimating, but between research and install on the trim, I probably have more than 20 hrs in it (shows my ignorance).




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Looks beautiful. One thing I know is the mylar lockstrip is only mfg by one company(Precision Replacement). Its pricey but correct. They also Mfg ws gaskets. There are a lot of suppliers for Precision. Maybe chk their site out for info. I'm converting our 67 barracuda over to stainless. A pricey endeavour(new gasket, clips and ss trim. Also ws has been removed, so I decided to redo my harness and get dash powdercoated....a rabbit hole lol.
Yours looks amazing!:thumbsup:
I am getting ready to go through this process with my '67 Barracuda convertible. I'm seeing the original style Precision seal with their chrome locking strip available from DMT and I am leaning towards sticking with this original setup instead of converting to the 68/69 setup. But I have questions- looking at the third picture in post #10 above, is the long chrome strip running along the bottom of the windshield the "locking strip"? If so, does this mate with the chrome side pieces by pushing down on those side pieces? Part of my confusion is that Fig. 50 in the attachment below shows a 2-part lower molding at the bottom of the windshield (this is from the Service Manual Supplement No. 67-25-6).

Thanks for any guidance,


  • Windshield molding Fig 50.PDF
    215.8 KB · Views: 23
The lockstrip on the bottom is one continuous piece, and it looks like the ends go under the chrome metal side pieces.
I think(could be wrong) in the supplement pic you're referring to that is a large chromed metal piece? Not the lockstrip?
Hope that answers the question?
I am getting ready to go through this process with my '67 Barracuda convertible. I'm seeing the original style Precision seal with their chrome locking strip available from DMT and I am leaning towards sticking with this original setup instead of converting to the 68/69 setup. But I have questions- looking at the third picture in post #10 above, is the long chrome strip running along the bottom of the windshield the "locking strip"? If so, does this mate with the chrome side pieces by pushing down on those side pieces? Part of my confusion is that Fig. 50 in the attachment below shows a 2-part lower molding at the bottom of the windshield (this is from the Service Manual Supplement No. 67-25-6).

Thanks for any guidance,
The green dot goes under the green dot on the SS trim
The red dot goes under the red dot on the SS trim
Thanks a bunch for the responses. Dana, just to confirm- is that the locking strip you're showing engaging with the ends of the side SS pieces?
Locking strip fades and becomes very brittle over time. That's why Ma Mopar abandoned that pos way of sealing.
In Dana's pics that is faded locking strip.
In Dana's pics that is faded locking strip.
Not just faded but the chrome came off, it was applied to the outside.

It might have been an aftermarket from the 80s glass was replaced then

I have 2 NOS and they have the chrome in the center.
That's exactly why I use plain black lock strip and eliminate the stainless trim. But then. Vixen is a base model and didn't come with all those frilly things. lol