have you ever slept in your car

At my age and condition, I'm not sure "sleep" is the word I'd use. I cannot imagine trying to relax in the rear seat of an A, I'm only 5'11 and about 190

"When I was young" I've spend a few nights in both the front and rear seats of my 70 RR. But that was then. 20 something. Hell you could sleep anywhere, then

I HAVE spent the night in the reclining bucket of my Ranger, and that wasn't all that bad with a couple of pillows and a great big jacket. I had water and snacks and a friend named Sturm.
At my age I can't even get comfortable in bed let alone try to sleep in a car.That being said...back in the day I spent many nights sleeping and otherwise in various cars.
At my age and condition, I'm not sure "sleep" is the word I'd use. I cannot imagine trying to relax in the rear seat of an A, I'm only 5'11 and about 190

"When I was young" I've spend a few nights in both the front and rear seats of my 70 RR. But that was then. 20 something. Hell you could sleep anywhere, then

I HAVE spent the night in the reclining bucket of my Ranger, and that wasn't all that bad with a couple of pillows and a great big jacket. I had water and snacks and a friend named Sturm.

With my doba and its behaviors...I wasnt exactly "sleeping" either
I can't hardly sleep in my 2K dollar bed much less a car. But if I had to and was really tired, maybe.
Never could sleep on planes either. Dozed off one time after 36 hours on a field trip.
Too uncomfortable and too much stimulation.
Rani, sounds like your about the same height at my wifey. Her drivers license say's 4'10"

But I think she's actually more like 4'8", but she wont let me near her with a tape measure...lol
Rani, sounds like your about the same height at my wifey. Her drivers license say's 4'10"

But I think she's actually more like 4'8", but she wont let me near her with a tape measure...lol

yup, all my official documents say 4'9" but I always say 4'10" because when you tell most people your 4'9" they usually ask if there is something wrong with you.......no I don't think so.

I think your height is determined by your size when you are born. I have a twin sis and she was born first and she was double my size and now as an adult she is almost 5'6" ......I was the second baby and the docs originally told my parents that I wouldn't live past a few months from being too small. I wish I knew who those docs were so I could go back now and tell them HAHA...you were WRONG....KA- CHOW


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Back in my hardcore 4 wheeling years a buddy told me about this trail, it was a motorcycle trail, but he was SURE my Land Cruiser could make it through. We ended up on a very steep hill, half the rig hanging over the side. No amount of winching along with a come a long to pull the rig onto the trail was making it happen, too much beer. Slept in the front non relining seats, open top, lots of mosquitos, woke up with the worst hang over, tons of mosquito bites and oh yeah.....a stuck truck!
I've fallen asleep UNDER my Scamp when I still had it. Not sure about in it. All this talk about the barracuda fastback star view makes me wanna buy one!! Thanks a lot guys.... :wack: lol
Yes I slept in my 09 stratus at Carlisle & my 96 jeep G. Cherokee also at Carlisle
Every day, from 12:30 to 1:20. I go out and take a nap. There is no way I'm going to lay down on the seats any more. Haven't been able to since I was 12. I'm 5'11" not mention I'm a "fluffy fellow".
Where would I begin with this. Couldn't find a campsite one night so I slept in the back seat of my 66 Coronet while my poor friend slept on the front across the console and buckets. ( sucked for him).

Did a bunch of over nights in the White Mountains in the back of my hatchback mustang. Was pretty comfortable.

Had some "fun" in the back of my 70 RR.

Went to the gym pulled in and a huge Thunderstorm rolled in. So I figured I would just relax in my Ram til it passed. An hour later I woke up and just went home. My girlfriend asked me if I made it to the gym. I said I did go to the gym but never made it inside. I told her what I did and she just laughed at me while rolling her eyes.

I'm sure there is more but those times stick out.
One of the times I slept in my car I was on my way home from a party and realized I was seeing two center lines in the road.
I pulled my 56 Belair off at a little town along the beach called Shell Beach in California. (I lived in Paso Robles another 30 miles or so up the hiway.)
I set the keys in the floor, locked all the doors and passed out in the front seat and at about 4:30 in the morning got woke up by a cop banging on the window.
Got a ticket for illegal camping and when I told the judge what happened he dismissed the charge and told me that if that ever happened again (the wasted part) to please do the same thing.
I agreed and all was good. :)

Of course this was 30 years ago or so.
Long Story short: Spent an entire winter sleeping in my old 64 Polara 500. Very cold and snowy winter years ago. Remember it well. Was awoken one night by the Lynn, Mass police who were towing cars from the street during a snowstorm. I heard them say, "We got a body in here" just as I woke up in the back seat while still in my cocoon of blankets trying to keep warm (and stay alive)
A Barracuda fastback is not properly christened until you "sleep" with a girl in the back.... Nudge, nudge, wink, wink....

I spent a year and a half in college living and sleeping in the backseat of my truck. I was working 10 pm to 6am, doing ROTC at 645-9am, Classes would start at 3pm and go to 9 pm, so I'd sleep in the back seat. Dark tinted windows, 12 volt fans and converter worked great, 12 volt semi heater for the winter months. Them dodges have a lot of room, i'm 6 foot so it was doable. I'd go home on days off and weekends to sleep though
I just slept in the front seat of my wife's 04 mustang last night... Traveled all night and got to North Carolina at 4:55 slept about 30-45 minutes and got up again... So since 6:15 yesterday morning I've had less than an hr of sleep... :wack:
Me and my 'cuz slept in a '69 barracuda on the way home from Colo. I folded down the back seat and she took the front bucket. I bought the car in Loveland and after a week of visiting (and the purchase of a '69 fish), I was too tired to make it further. It was somewhere around midnight in Iowa and we hit the rest area and Zzzzzzzzz.....
In a time of my life that I'm glad is in the past, I slept in a few of my cars, and lived in my truck for a while, and then slept on concrete for a while after that.

The truck? Yeah, it was this one. At 5'11" it was not comfortable... Bucket Seats, was a 5-Speed back then.

not sober. JOKE_JOKE. my new 1966 charger had trunk panel that folded down. ill stop there.
The last time I slept in an A body was back in 1963 :)

Starting in 67 I would go camping in my 66 Econoline Super Van .

From 1974 through 1999 I would camp in my 73 Dodge B100.

Since then we camp in one of our Casitas .

Sleeping in cars is for the young :)


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Not really sleeping in an A body, so it doesn't really count.

We had no air conditioner in an overcrowded house after Hurricane Katrina. My oldest son and I opted to sleep in our Durango. We had a queen sized blow up mattress and slept well using the air conditioner. I was worried about CO2 buildup, so I only ran it 15 minutes at a time. It seemed to stay comfortable for a little over an hour, but man it sure felt good.
Oh yea...ah! And have have actually taken a nap on the bike! Oh and the nights where you throw plastic over the bike and crawl up next to it for the night.