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  1. GT340

    I find out tomorrow if its bad

    That's great news.... It could have been way worse, like someone took your MOPAR and left you a Chevy in its place!
  2. GT340

    I find out tomorrow if its bad

    Prayers sent. Good luck and hope the news is all good.....
  3. GT340

    Is sears Joking??

    To begin with, did Sears install your hot water heater? When I saw the pic it looked like it wasn't installed by code. The I looked up Colorado code and it seems to be the same as our local code. It should be installed 18" off the floor because if you have a gas leak it fills from the floor...
  4. GT340

    Who is your Favorite Sheriff

    And Barney Fife.... I once called a CHP Officer Barney Fife when he was being a jerk about a ticket. He got very PO'ed at that point. I decided not to ask him if Sheriff Taylor gave him his bullet, because he might remember that he had a gun. Yup I went to court and beat the ticket!
  5. GT340

    I hope it's true

    Bad news for you...... The Mayan calendar didn't figure in Leap Year. This fact has allowed us to bypass their date by approximately 7 months. Whoops... someone beat me to it! Never mind!
  6. GT340

    whats the most strangest thing you have seen in public

    I saw two illegals that had a head on collision near the Van Nuys Airport going at each other. The intersection was covered with 100's of pounds of bondo that flew off each car. And I mean some pretty good sized chunks. They stopped for a second because I was laughing so hard that they heard me.
  7. GT340

    The wife.....

    Isn't that the truth. At last 3 people that will be meeting to fish with us are guides in other states, and another that may show up used to guide in the area, so we won't need any "Orvis types" dressed like they bought their clothes from a golf shop.
  8. GT340

    The wife.....

    Yes, New Mexico, just below the Navajo Dam. Theres two more friend's that may show up. One of them is Sioux, he's not as big as my best friend who is Apache/Paiute. At 6'2" and 192 pounds I'm a lot smaller than my friend. If these two show up it'll make 8 Nations. There's three of...
  9. GT340

    The wife.....

    Hope we don't have that problem when a group of my friends go to the San Juan River to go fly fishing. There could be 6 different Nations represented in our group. LOL... I told the other guys that are meeting us there to keep their hair cut real short, specially if the group starts drinking.
  10. GT340

    The wife.....

    LOL... Everyone thought I was half Mexican when I moved out to Kalifornia.... When my wife and I go to the Rez, they think she's the NDN and give me dirty looks... I'm 3/8th Mohawk and the rest is French, she's Asian and looks like she came from the 4 Corners area.
  11. GT340


    If you did this through the mail, you need to file a mail fraud complaint. INFO: I'm sure you can get the form over the net.
  12. GT340

    Favorite toys as a child ?

    A BSA Bantam and the girl on the farm below us.
  13. GT340


    Oh sh*t.... Home Alone without responsible adult supervision!
  14. GT340

    Lost one of my best friends last night

    Absolutely horrific, prayers and condolences to all involved. x2
  15. GT340

    Letter From the County Sheriff's Dept!

    Good luck! Hoping you get past the rest of the hurdles!
  16. GT340

    Super Awesome Good Guy Alert,...rmazess..

    Great post. Mr. rmazess sounds like a great person, may good luck and fortune also be with him ! ! !
  17. GT340

    Just venting

    Take your appraisal and go to a new insurance company and see what they'll do for you. If they don't classify it as a mobile home, then try again to refinance.
  18. GT340

    Which branch should I join?

    If I had to do it over it would be Air Force. I spent time in the Army and for a while was stationed at McChord AFB..... The food there was WAY better than the Army. I was in Aviation for most of my time in the Army. I was scheduled for OCS and passed all my tests for being a...
  19. GT340

    US v Aussie wages v cost of living

    In my area of Los Angeles the average rental home is close to $2400 a month and apartments start around $1400 for a small place. Small homes in my area are close to $500,000, decent homes begin around $800,000. Homes close to the beach are in the millions of dollars for a small home...
  20. GT340


    Ouch. That was a real "crack" up...
  21. GT340

    Anyone have extremely stupid neighbors?

    Anyone have extremely stupid neighbors? LOL... I live in Los Angeles and that goes without saying
  22. GT340

    Anyone have extremely stupid neighbors?

    LOL.... daily, here in Los Angeles I see dumb asses with some pretty stupid stuff added. Wing made out of 2x4's and scrap lumber and nailed onto the trunk (yes nailed) Toyota with something resembling F15 tails fastened onto the rear fenders 3 tiered wings Two tiered wings HUGE Whale tails...
  23. GT340

    Anyone have extremely stupid neighbors?

    If he used Elmers Wood Glue along with the wood screws it may just hold together.......
  24. GT340

    Anyone have extremely stupid neighbors?

    Hopefully this mental midget only removes himself from the gene pool when his "race car" falls apart.
  25. GT340


    Winter is the best time of year for those of us in SoCal to drive our cars. We normally have to drive 3 to 5 hours to see snow.
  26. GT340

    Halloween question

    Me neither... and I lived in a SMALL farming community that totaled 30 people in a large valley.
  27. GT340

    Fall Fling Picture Thread!

    Thanks. Great pictures. I missed it this year. The roads were damp and I'm running slicks on my car.
  28. GT340

    I met Shaquille O'neal today at Bass Pro Shop

    :toothy8: I figured you were pretty big, but, next to him you look small. I once stood next to Kareem at the local A16 Backpacking store and at 6'3" 200lbs I felt like a runt.
  29. GT340

    I met Shaquille O'neal today at Bass Pro Shop

    LOL.... he makes you look like a midget!
  30. GT340

    RaniDart70 Needs some of your prayers

    Prayers sent.