Another New Guy on the Board



Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2012
Reaction score
Hello there. A good deal of you guys may know me from moparts but since I recently bought a 68 Dart last week, I figured I'd join the FABO crowd :D.

So here's my back story... I'm a 3rd year college student studying mechanical engineer (with a math minor) who just wanted a car to work on and enjoy. For my college graduation I got 2 68 Darts from my dad to work on but those primarily were held hostage at my mechanics so I ended up selling them off. For the past 5 years or so I have been saving up all my money to buy something big. Luckily this 68 Dart rolled along on CL and I had to take a look and eventually buy her. She's a GT model with a 273. Practically stock except for the radio stuff. The 68 Dart is by far my favorite A-Body and I am glad I ended up with her. :toothy10:

Well here she is...


I barely had the time to register her this morning and once I got home and got everything set I took her on a short 2-3 mile cruise. She drove really nice and I quickly got used to her. I am still getting used to carburetors and drum brakes but they were easily manageable. Well anyway after my pleasant drive through town and a hilly neighborhood I arrived home! As I was parking her in the garage I hear a small noise and white smoke poofs everywhere!!! In my mind I was thinking, "$10 that was my power steering." I looked inside the engine bay and under the car and sure enough it was. I just hosed down the driveway and muscled her off into an empty spot in the driveway.

This is my first project/fun car to work on so bare with me if I seem stupid or ignorant when asking particular questions about the car. I hope I can learn a lot from you guys and I am excited to see what the future holds.:finga:
Thanks! Let me fix the picture links real quick and see if I can get the pics up.
Alright, let's try this out...


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Welcome aboard from the mitten state! Very clean looking Dart you have there!

Why thank you! It looks better in pictures than real life but I feel it would be a great first car to work on and fix around. I got her for a pretty good deal too. :D
Welcome, that's a very clean Dart you found. Looks like she's complete, that should make it a fairly straight forward project. Hope you enjoy our Club.
Nice is hard to find one that original, enjoy and welcome from Texas.
Yep, my favorite year too with the round parking lamps. has uber cheap parts and they ship very fast, got a part mailed from San Berdo the next day! Very simple cars, most everything is still available drivetrain wise. Hang those granny caps up and get yourself some black police rims and some poverty caps or at least some chrome lugs like the big B-body cars. Itll give it a whole new attitude. Welcome aboard!
Welcome to FABO from another SoCal Dart ('69)owner. You're going to have fun here!
Nice clean '68 you've got there. What are your build plans for the future?
Welcome from norcal, very nice looking dart. Good choice to pick a mopar as your project.
Good looking car, what part of town did you find that in?
