Bit chilly



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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We have lived in the Inland Northwest since 2008, this is the coldest I have seen it....but will take this over the smoke filled skies and constantly checking to see if we have to evacuate....

It's 1* here, -18* windchill. To all of my car friends, stay safe and warm and becareful if you have to be outside.
Sorry Doug, cannot read your photo. It was about -9 this morning at about 6:AM, it's all the way up to 3F here at noon

In my lifetime I've seen banging on the neg 20F door a time or two in my school days, and -15F a few more times. -10F or so, many times, over the years here

According to this website, the record cold in Coeur d Alene was -30F, in January, 1950. I was 2 years old and grew up in Sandpoint.

According to same site, the record cold in Sandpoint was

-37 °F which occurred on December 30, 1968.

I was "happily" in the U.S. Navy, going to electronics tech "A" school at Treasure Island, SF, CA That year for the folks at home saw record snow, as well. Clear up to the tops of the fence posts, and they said at one point they had to run a dozer through downdown to clear a path. The berms were so high--those were the days of the Union 76 antenna balls--everybody tried to get a high visibility ball on their radio antenna so you could see them coming around a corner/ intersection over the berm.
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It was -28F last night. Supposed to be a high of -13 today then -28 again tonight. Wind chills are around -55F. Too cold to work in the shop...have to stay in the house for a few days now that I'm older.
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Global warming, seriously it is getting here In Alabama tonight 54 degrees now and 10 in the morning with winds going to-15 to-10. I can’t stand the cold,Joe
Here in Southern Alberta it has been mid -40s with the wind chill.
And the forecast is for above freezing for Christmas and next week.
Go figure...
Without question I knew someone was going to bring up global warming and it happens every time it gets cold out...
It's not even close to a joke...
Without question I knew someone was going to bring up global warming and it happens every time it gets cold out...
It's not even close to a joke...
It's no where near as bad as it's made up to be. Glaciers melt every few years and then refreeze. It's a cycle that's been going on for centuries, nothing new