Boss hog outlaw wild boar torque converter.



Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2014
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My buddy will sell his 3,500-4,200 torque converter but after looking at it it has 10" bolt circle with 5/16" bolt holes wtf? Who would make a high stall converter like that with 5/16" bolts?
All the Chevy guys think they're gold. That oughtta tell you all you need to know.
I had one decades ago, as my first 'loose' convertor, I didn't have any complaints....5/16 grade 8 are plenty strong.
I had one decades ago, as my first 'loose' convertor, I didn't have any complaints....5/16 grade 8 are plenty strong.
Problem is I have a sfi flexplate with the 7/16" holes and don't really want to buy a new flexplate when I can roll the money into a nice converter.
Boss hoggs are the illegitimate red headed step-child of GER converters.
The Ger converter I had was the single WORST high-performance part I have ever bought, bar none.
I recall Alabama Torque Convertor made my Boss Hogg. Same guys?
My buddy will sell his 3,500-4,200 torque converter but after looking at it it has 10" bolt circle with 5/16" bolt holes wtf? Who would make a high stall converter like that with 5/16" bolts?
I recall Alabama Torque Convertor made my Boss Hogg. Same guys?
ACC makes the Boss Hog, they are across the street from PTC in Alabama.
Must be called torque convertor alley. lol
I know this is an old thread but took the chance on the converter and HOLY Crap! It is bad ***!
My buddy will sell his 3,500-4,200 torque converter but after looking at it it has 10" bolt circle with 5/16" bolt holes wtf? Who would make a high stall converter like that with 5/16" bolts?
I just bought an Boss hog 3200 - 3500 nitrous converter from them about $700 they must have upgraded the bolts this one has 7/16 " & anti ballon plate
I just bought an Boss hog 3200 - 3500 nitrous converter from them about $700 they must have upgraded the bolts this one has 7/16 " & anti ballon plate
You can get both, this one was in my buddies car for like a day before he decided it was too much for his show car cruiser 69 barracuda.
I took temp readings on the big trans cooler after a good couple launches and it looked really nice, I have a deep pan also so it should keep it cool.
Boss Hog had to do upgrades. All they sold was junk.
Got the converter out off the box after reading this you can see where they ground the 5/16" mounts away then replaced with 7/16 see 1 lug is missing whether that will affect the balance or not only 1 way to find out .


Looks like their workman ship hasnt changed i thought if 1 fell out after machining what about the other's so i screwed a 5/16 bolt into what thread was left give it a wiggle & guess what, i can do the same with the remaining 2 what concerns me is was this balanced with the 1 missing or not at all

No offense meant , but you were warned......
Meh I've takin chances on stealth heads and have nothing but great things to say, if it does go south I can rebuild my own transmissions and everything else in the driveline.
Because I didn't realize how much inflation would increase a custom torque converter price at the time I posted this.