Ca. Bay Area winters are brutal!



Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
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Vacaville Ca
29* here this morning. That’s sock with the sandals weather!
Seriously, I don’t envy you folks dealing with real weather!


Grew up in Minnesota so I got used to the cold . That was a humid -20 !
My son and I used to go skiing in Utah for a week each year .
1 day we were standing in line at the lift waiting for it to open when I look at the digital temp display and it read -10 . No way did it seem like below zero ! Probably around 10% humidity (if that ) . That was at about 10,000 ft of elevation ….
Makes a difference .
-7*f here, but add in the slight NW breeze of 11 mph, with the occasional gust to 19 mph, and it feels like -26*. Let's see you walk around in sandals here today!:poke:
Average high for this time is 31*f.:wtf:
I was skiing Mammoth Mtn. one day long ago and my mustache froze while going up the hill on the ski lift :wtf: First and only time I ever had that happen while skiing. How cold does it have to get for that to happen? :lol: Needless to say, it felt really weird at the time :lol:
I was skiing Mammoth Mtn. one day long ago and my mustache froze while going up the hill on the ski lift :wtf: First and only time I ever had that happen while skiing. How cold does it have to get for that to happen? :lol: Needless to say, it felt really weird at the time :lol:
Spend a few minutes outside shovelling snow, on a day like today, it don't take long, moustache, beard, even hair sometimes. LOL
Spend a few minutes outside shovelling snow, on a day like today, it don't take long, moustache, beard, even hair sometimes. LOL
My Dad pulled us out of Brandon the morning after a day at the job he was working up there, a grain silo, slip form concrete, pour concrete 24/7. He said it was snowing at the top of the silo where the form was and raining on him where he was making the concrete on the ground "We're outa here!" :lol:
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I will take a dry -10 over a wet SF 29* anyday !
That's real. Alot of people don't understand that cold is very dry. Here in Minnesota we average about 60" of snow in an average winter. That equates to 6" of water over 3+ months. That's more like desert climate. Just colder. Just before winter. In November as temps fall, but we still have higher humidity and moisture. It produces that bone chilling cold. -10° low humidity winter weather is stinging on exposed skin of longer duration. (The colder, the shorter the duration.) If you are adequately covered? And it's light winds? It can actually be pleasant.

I will start my street 440 GTX from the time to time. And once it's done bitching and moaning about the cold start? It LOVES that dry winter air. And wants to go. But of course salt on the roads don't make that feasible.
Same thing here in Rancho Cordova, this morning.
Growing up in Connecticut when i was a kid, i had no idea it got cold out here in Commiefornia.
Thought it was Hollywood everywhere.
Being born and raised here I’m used to decent weather. (Well except for the summer. Weeks of 100+ days SUCK!) We pay $$ dearly for it for sure! We’ll see low 20’s a few times every winter, I’ve seen the teens a couple of times and even a dusting of snow down here. But I couldn’t imagine dealing with that all winter! Yeah call me spoiled, soft whatever. At least I can drive my junk most of the year!
<--------- Mojave Desert Rat :lol: The opposite of many North American climates. Well long ago from the desert. The summer heat did cook some brain cells, but not the ones that said "Get the heck outa here when you get the chance!" :rofl:
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Here in Missouri we get it all and use tornadoes to mix it all up
Being born and raised here I’m used to decent weather. (Well except for the summer. Weeks of 100+ days SUCK!) We pay $$ dearly for it for sure! We’ll see low 20’s a few times every winter, I’ve seen the teens a couple of times and even a dusting of snow down here. But I couldn’t imagine dealing with that all winter! Yeah call me spoiled, soft whatever. At least I can drive my junk most of the year!
I went to HS in Vallejo and I don’t remember a time when it was that cold.
Today's balmy weather includes an "extreme cold warning".
Currently -19*f with a 10 mph breeze, equalling -40*. Or just another day. I've spent most of the last 2 hours outside trying to get my diesel work truck started.
So much fun. Yep.