Can liquid wax go bad??



Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2011
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New Jersey
I have some mothers wax and sealer that over time got very thin. Even after shaking it for a good while it still seems very watery and milky colored not creamy like I remember it. Should I just toss it??
Yep, I just tossed my Nu Finish after about 3 years. Same thing you have. Unless you can get what settled at the bottom and mix it back up LMAO!
Lots of wax is made from natural ingredients. If it's natural, it can and will go bad.
Yes it can actually get moldy . Don't store applicator inside your paste wax can ,this can contaminate it. Synthetic waxes will last the longest but in my opinion don't do as good a job as the naturals. when in doubt throw it out wax is cheap.
Thanks for all the info, going to clean out the cabinet when I get home tomorrow.